2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM | Page 23 | GTAMotorcycle.com

2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

Met @Evoex there last year, also before a motosocial.
To be honest, kind of pricey for what it is (frozen processed patties). You do get to people watch some interesting customers however.

Good to know. They have pics of fresh made patties, but if they taste frozen (or are frozen after making), then what's the point.

Mom-in-law made roast beef for dinner, so I guess I'm staying in after all.
Good to know. They have pics of fresh made patties, but if they taste frozen (or are frozen after making), then what's the point.

Mom-in-law made roast beef for dinner, so I guess I'm staying in after all.
Good choice.
I forgot, it's also CASH ONLY (which put me in unenviable debt to @Evoex as well)
Anyone go to the MotoSocial?
It's close to me and I know the location. It did not seem like it had enough space to contain that many bikes.
Anyone go to the MotoSocial?
It's close to me and I know the location. It did not seem like it had enough space to contain that many bikes.
I saw a pic of it on FB and it looked really busy - bikes parked down the whole street.
Anyone go to the MotoSocial?
It's close to me and I know the location. It did not seem like it had enough space to contain that many bikes.
biggest Motosocial i've seen so far.
I would post a pic but the site always says the file it to big. The event was packed, no clue how many people but there were lots! Maybe @Evoex has some photos, I saw him and then lost him and didn't see him again! Crazy! Good location for the event!
nah didn't take any of the peeps.

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