2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM | Page 18 | GTAMotorcycle.com

2024 Weekly BurgeRR Meetup - Wednesdays @7PM

So far there's been 2 suggested Mexican places @Soulcatcher668 (King's Tacos) and @bigpoppa (Seven Lives). I'd like to add a third (Contigo) 1.6km away from Gladiator in Mississauga. There's one in North York. It's a gem, pick any 4 tacos out of the 12 for $14.

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Gus tacos belongs on the list, only place where the tacos taste like the stuff I had in mainland MX.

I never went to baja, so have no idea if seven lives is authentic, but they are very tasty.
Gus tacos belongs on the list, only place where the tacos taste like the stuff I had in mainland MX.

I never went to baja, so have no idea if seven lives is authentic, but they are very tasty.
Mimico, New Toronto, Longbranch!
You have to show up! It's only once or twice a year that it is on the shore!
Mother in law flew out emergency to Poland to see her dying mother. We have 3 kids and wife is feeling stress over her grandma dying...

So while I'd love to show up...there are other things that need to be attended to...and no neighbours need plywood!

Fak I share too much info on here.
Mother in law flew out emergency to Poland to see her dying mother. We have 3 kids and wife is feeling stress over her grandma dying...

So while I'd love to show up...there are other things that need to be attended to...and no neighbours need plywood!

Fak I share too much info on here.
Sorry to hear about your mother in laws mother. Hopefully you can find time to make it out!
Mother in law flew out emergency to Poland to see her dying mother. We have 3 kids and wife is feeling stress over her grandma dying...

So while I'd love to show up...there are other things that need to be attended to...and no neighbours need plywood!

Fak I share too much info on here.
Burgers are good stress relievers!! Eat away your emotions.

Good luck with the family issues, hope there is a silverlining somewhere.
Burgers are good stress relievers!! Eat away your emotions.

Good luck with the family issues, hope there is a silverlining somewhere.
Thanks. I guess not having MIL in the house for a few weeks is good in it's own way.

Plus she was able to get there before her mother died...so there's that. Unfortunately cancer at 83 is not great...
Thanks. I guess not having MIL in the house for a few weeks is good in it's own way.
Good thing a F wasn't added with autocorrected here. My MIL has been in Poland for weeks and will be there for the rest of the summer. Quietest summer ever! She is driving to neighbouring countries and staying in hostels, I didn't even know that was allowed at that age! Imagine going to use the communal toilet and there is a 80+ babcia there showering!
Oh, I didn't realize it had gone that way! Last time I was there was probably 15 years ago!
Same for me. When the owner started handing it over to his kids it started going down.

He was a client when I worked at Jag down the street and seemed to be a good guy. He had a nice XJR.

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