2024 GTA Photo Tag! | Page 52 | GTAMotorcycle.com

2024 GTA Photo Tag!

Oh, it already happened.

We were passing through town on our way to Montreal and I was going to tag the Thomas Foster Memorial in Uxbridge. We stopped for gas in Orillia and I checked the thread only to find out one of the West End Fockers already tagged it.

Alrighty then, guess we're not stopping for that tag... :rolleyes:

Worst of it is that the aforementioned WEF put up photo of his bike in front of a bunch of random bricks as his next tag...

Consider yourself lucky. The area was a crap show as it was all under construction. There was also a pretty decent accident in the area.
Unknowingly at the time, I did you favor.

Also, the congregation at the Evening Light Tabernacle would like an apology as those bricks in said picture are not a bunch random bricks.
They were laid in an organized fashion by some fine Eastern European bricklayers.
They are open on Sundays from 9 am to 5 pm, should you want to deliver your apologies in person.

West End Focker
Last edited:
Mrs. Lightcycle joins the fray of Tug of War: East vs. West

Old: 1551 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa


BTW Mrs. Lightcycle says "East side rulez! Suck it WEFs!!!"

.... okay maybe it was Mr. Lightcycle that said that last part...
Unless I'm missing something. That tag has been gotten.
Clue is here
I figured as much but not really finding anything.
It's a wing of some bird....

Come one... Help a WEF out.
We gotta bring this game back into the west side.

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