2024 GTA Photo Tag!

Too busy running errands to catch tags... got rained on at the hardware store and i could see anterabaes clouds arriving by the lake in the distance, quite ominous
The skies opened on me as soon as I left the GO station and didn't let up til I hit the outskirts of the city. That's the wettest ride I've ever done (cue: that's what she said). Still fun and I love my tyres, not even the slightest slip. Think it might take a week for my shoes to fully dry though. They were making the comical squelching sounds when I walked inside. 😂
anytime you want a recommendation lmk, i know a place or two! ;)

This place is where we get most of our cakes/pastries for special occasions. Irene's Celebrity Cakes

The lady that runs is used to work across the screen at the "iconic" La Sem Patisserie

Irene's makes some Zeppole, and they make them year round.
My Italian contacts tell me that other places only make them around Saint Joseph's Day, which falls on March 19.
Odd that there is no sign of rain in Uxbridge. :unsure:
This rain over the weekend has been really strange, you'll go in and out of rain every few k, and it's mixed from light to heavy at the same time.
Asking for a friend....

What is the consensus on using banked photos?

Is a bank photo OK only for the OLD tag but not the new?

This is the closest I could get.
Sign says Friends of the Thomas Foster Memorial is opened for business but I figured it wasn't feasible for me to interrupt the construction crews just for a photo tag.

Road looks to be in full swing construction mode.
Somehow I think @anterabae used a banked shot and didn not ride out there on Sunday. Just sayin'..... I could be wrong .

Friends of the Thomas Foster Memorial Inc.
9499 Durham Regional Rd 1, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R2


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