2023 Day Trips!

In the valley between the hills there are other connecting roads that I recall allow the bigger trucks to access the houses without having to go on the twistiest sections of the road. I thought the road was even signed in some parts to inform truckers to avoid those parts, but maybe I'm mistaking it for another of the many twisty roads down there.

It's also happened to me on US421 'the snake' where I was forced into the ditch by a truck that was fully in my lane. Not a nice feeling for sure and glad you guys are all good..

Anyways, if you are looking for more roads you might not have been on before just let me know and I have lots.
Went out exploring the gravel roads in the Kilgorie area this past Saturday. Still lots of colours to be seen.







Today was a good day to travel gravel. However I think near by farmers may not be that good. Evidenced by this barn and the stuck feed truck. The two tractors were just starting to dig a ditch when the strap exploded. Just shreds left when I went by.
And of course a shameless plug for the historic town hall.
That is quite the milk crate... Deluxe edition..
I keep telling these folks RubberMaid Action Packers are where it's at. That's the daily driver box. Below is the long trip camping box. (big enough for a tent sleep pad, folding camp chair and even the coffin that carries my ukuele.)IMG_0677.JPG
Thanks SB. Originally I wanted to do a survival rat bike project. Desert Storm meets Mad Max if you will. But after doing the desert storm thing I ran outta steam.
Looks good.
Probably one of the better looking KLRs out there.
Not sure KLRs are about looks, but that said the Gen 1s are my favorite and the Gen2s are hideous.
See if this video of the transport truck works. I can't trim it here. Skip to around 2:20 in the video, it's right at the end.

In the valley between the hills there are other connecting roads that I recall allow the bigger trucks to access the houses without having to go on the twistiest sections of the road. I thought the road was even signed in some parts to inform truckers to avoid those parts, but maybe I'm mistaking it for another of the many twisty roads down there.

It's also happened to me on US421 'the snake' where I was forced into the ditch by a truck that was fully in my lane. Not a nice feeling for sure and glad you guys are all good..

Anyways, if you are looking for more roads you might not have been on before just let me know and I have lots.
If you have them, send them. Went on one today where my buddy says I came close to going off a cliff. Road was pretty torn up.
See if this video of the transport truck works. I can't trim it here. Skip to around 2:20 in the video, it's right at the end.

If you have them, send them. Went on one today where my buddy says I came close to going off a cliff. Road was pretty torn up.
I don’t know how you didn’t drop the bike. Well done and glad you didn’t get hurt.
Not sure KLRs are about looks, but that said the Gen 1s are my favorite and the Gen2s are hideous.

Gen2s aren’t too bad and can hold some fishing and camping gear with a traditional milk create setup 😀. But I’m gonna sell this one and go back to a cruiser.
Gen2s aren’t too bad and can hold some fishing and camping gear with a traditional milk create setup 😀. But I’m gonna sell this one and go back to a cruiser.
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Agreed . No KLR is too bad. And milk work good too (no annoying lid...)
See if this video of the transport truck works. I can't trim it here. Skip to around 2:20 in the video, it's right at the end.

If you have them, send them. Went on one today where my buddy says I came close to going off a cliff. Road was pretty torn up.
Where are you right now and I’ll send you some in that area if I have.
Where are you right now and I’ll send you some in that area if I have.
We're ar 3937 Gratton road, just west of the 623 entrance to Burke's Garden.
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