2021 predictions.


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Its winter. You know what that means? Wild racing predictions for the upcoming year!


Champion- Rins/Suzuki
Dark Horse - Binder/KTM

Moto2- Beaubier/American Racing
Dark horse- Gardner

WSBK- Rea/Kawasaki
Dark horse- rest of the grid

Dark Horse- Nickerson/Honda

So let's get those predictions in folks!
Champion - Morbidelli / Yamaha
Dark Horse - Binder or Oliveira / KTM

Champion - Bezzechi / Kalex
Dark horse - Martin / Kalex

WSBK- Rea / Kawasaki
Dark horse - Davies / Ducati
Binder really? He won a single race and was distant every other race unless I'm missing something here (2020 was busy and a bit of a blur for me so that's possible).
Will depend highly on the MM situation imo. With so many different race winners last year it'll come down to the best consistency again. I'd really like to see Ducati win this year as I've been pulling for Suzuki to win ever since they came back to Motogp so now it's a Ducs turn.
I finally got around to watching the 2 Calabogie races from last year. I gotta tell you, in race 2 watching Williams on a basically stock S1000RR take a couple stabs at Szoke on a built ZX10R was very interesting....
never doubt the RR :LOL:
Binder really?
It's as likely as anything at this point. Before last season, you (or almost anyone) would've said, "Mir really?" A bet on Binder is a bet on KTM as much as anything, which isn't the craziest idea considering how much they've improved year-on-year.

Considering the racing mostly happens in Europe, and Covid continues to make travel complicated, there's a good chance the Europe-based teams will do better with development in the off-season vs the Japanese competition. With Ducati unable to settle their rider situation, that may leave the door open for KTM, and Binder is their #1 for now...
Will depend highly on the MM situation imo. With so many different race winners last year it'll come down to the best consistency again.
Definitely depends on a healthy Marc. I think HRC was caught flat last year because they didn't have anyone else whose style involved riding outside the grip of the Michelins. They brought Pol Espargaro in this year who has a similar ragged style, so it seems they'll stick with that development path vs changing the bike to be more stable. It'll be very interesting to see if Pol can be consistent enough to stay healthy and rack up enough points if Marquez isn't his old self.

It's really unusual for both Honda and Yamaha to have off years at the same time, and it hasn't lasted longer than a season in anything approaching recent memory. This year will be fascinating to see if:

a) 2020 was a Covid blip
b) Covid has affected finances enough at Honda and Yamaha to stop them spending their way out of trouble as they're used to doing, but they'll be back to their old tricks once this mess is behind us
c) There really is a changing of power structure for manufacturers in the same way there has been for riders the past few years, with no long-term dominance from either Yamaha or Honda for the first time since King Kenny ruled...

It's also a weird year because a lot of the #1 factory riders seem to be picked for continuity rather than performance. Ducati relying on Miller? KTM on Binder? Yamaha on Vinales? There's nobody there who has shown consistent quality, and the hyped talents have all been put on slow Yamahas with crap development so it's hard to know how good they actually are. It's easy to find reasons why any of them will be awful, not so easy to pick one that will excel. No rider/bike package looks particularly promising.

With that, my 100% guaranteed to be wrong picks (assuming no healthy MM) are:

MotoGP: Quatararo (WAG is Yamaha finds something with a new development team and I think he has more talent than Vinales)
Dark horse: Oliviera (I think he has more potential than Binder)
Dark horse Pt 2: Pol Espargaro (HRC finds ways to keep him upright)

Moto2: roll the dice as always

WSBK: gotta be Rea until it isn't
(not so) Dark Horse: Scott Redding (only because I like him)

CSBK: considering it doesn't exist out west, no idea because I haven't followed. Szoke like Rea?
What are everyone's thoughts on Nickerson? It seems like yesterday i was having fun trying to keep up with him at TMP. (12 yrs ago i think)
What are everyone's thoughts on Nickerson? It seems like yesterday i was having fun trying to keep up with him at TMP. (12 yrs ago i think)
Same as lots of others, what are they riding today and last week and the week before that?
You can bet Jordan has been riding his trials or enduro bikes during the off race season.
Same as lots of others, what are they riding today and last week and the week before that?
You can bet Jordan has been riding his trials or enduro bikes during the off race season.
Normally Nickerson would be out racing 50s every week in the off season, but Covid cancelled that. But he will be on a 2021 Fireblade for next year, so if he could finish in the top on his old bike, imagine how much better he'll be on a 10+ year newer bike.
Jordan Szoke just picked up the revised 2021 ZX10R. I'm not sure if the improved aero and downforce is much of a help on our tracks except maybe Mosport, but it seems that the engine is a beast, too.
I finally got around to watching the 2 Calabogie races from last year. I gotta tell you, in race 2 watching Williams on a basically stock S1000RR take a couple stabs at Szoke on a built ZX10R was very interesting....
I used to like Szoke v. Reidmann races.
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