So is a motoGP engine really that fragile? Or are Yamaha just ****** that Vinales was ****** and acted out?
Its a shame it came to this.
Probably both, but he failed to deliver anything more than a few wins at Yamaha even as team leader on a bike and full support of the factory, which prior to his arrival had champions on both sides with Rossi and JLO. That DNA never went away, it just required a rider that could adapt to it and maximize it's strength the way Fabio does by incoprerating JLO's high corner speed and smoother inputs. It's a solid package under capable hands, sadly Rossi lost it and JLO retired, but luckily you see Fabio maing the most of the package so it's only right he gets to lead that team.
As for QC/QA: riders likely rev these bikes on/to rev limiter when they do burn outs with one hand when they win, so I think they likely are
capable of it mechanically speaking, but for the bigwigs in Japan/Yamaha I bet it's more like 'why do we deal with this highly paid child when he's bad mouthed us in public, and we know the relationship is over and Fabio is going to win us a championship?' Remember Yamaha had to apologize to both Rossi and Mav in public, and now with new pilot in the works team and an inferior test rider during COVID they are doing better than ever?!
Corpos in Japan never forget, it's why the salary man lifestyle to climb the ladder is the sad trope that it is.
Yamaha are probably milking this and stoking the fires in the media in order to terminate his contract early, altogether in order to save some money (and prbably knock down his over priced value as a rider) just focus the development around Fabio, so I don't blame them.
It's all a part of the dirty business behind professional motorsports, especially when things go sour: think Fernando Alonso calling Honda's F1 engine a "GP2 engine' at Suzuka and all the drama from that fall out that eventually got him barred from even competting in IndyCar with a Honda years later due to that stunt. It's the same mentality in action, and in Japanese culture you do not air dirty laundry in public--Nakamoto-san at HRC being a prime example of the culture of how things get resolved in Japanese Megacorps with millions/billions at stake.
I'm not saying it's good, it's just
what it is.
Honestly, as a Marc and Mir fan who is looking forward to that rivalry as that heats up on/off the track: Mav is incredibly talented rider when things are perfect, but he failed to live up to his hype (see my handle) after his first opening rounds at Yamaha, and as I said for the past 2 seasons he has to part with Yamaha to save his GP career.
I never thought he'd do something so blatantly stupid as this while on the bike, they can literally see every micrometer of throttle input on a GP bike on the telemetry, but I knew he was likely to start acting out if he didn't--I figured he'd throw tantrum in the boxes, or just stop doing press obligations and throw a fuss in the media and end things sulking with more 'ask Yamaha' like antics.
I still think he should of have got a Ducati, even a satelite bike given his riding style, but maybe Aprillia is where he needs to be to make his career into something more than just 'what could have been' which is what it has been since he left Suzuki.
Either way, its for the best, hopefully he gets the mental aspect sorted as he is a really solid rider when he can overcome those demons.