2021 GTA Photo Tag!

I hate to be that guy but I am going to be. The last tag has been up for 5 days. There has been riding weather since. For shytz and giggles I spent my entire lunch hour looking for this tag yesterday on google maps. I found myself annoyed that I could not find it.

Now, I had no intention of going out for a ride yesterday as I had a full day but if it was my intention then that was an hour wasted sitting on a task chair when I could have been in the saddle.

I am not trying to attack the poster. That isn't my point. And the last time I griped about this, the response was to ask for a hint. Ok, so for those of you, and maybe there have been none, trying to find this spot I ask for a hint that is more descriptive than the one offered.

Oh, and asking for a hint means that the poster needs to respond. So again, I point out that rather than riding to get that tag and move the game along the efforts are spent waiting or searching.

This is my $0.02 and I may be the only ******* that feels this way. I make no apologies for being an ******* as it has taken a lifetime to be so good at it.

I feel a bit of your frustration. When I was new to this game my google maps kung fu was pretty weak. Stick with it you will get better, just part of the process. Asking for hints is good, helps you engage and not all hints will come from the poster, but other members as well. Either way partaking of the game will help you learn/discover areas around the GTA either from searching or going for tags. Enjoy!
@JZ67 I didn't mean to make it a difficult tag to find. I thought the second picture would have been an obvious hint. When I tried googling it myself though, it clearly wasn't.
I'll echo other's assertion that you should ask for clues. After all this is more about the riding than googling

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I've been there. I usually try googling a pic before I post to make sure it's not too hard, but I remember posting a tag once that included the name of the farm so I didn't bother checking. As soon as someone asked for a hint I discovered it was unsearchable.
I like @sburns point about the crowd jumping in with hints, not just the tagger

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I would definitely say clue requests in the forum, not exactly PMs, get results but usually not instantly. And definitely agree with the annoyances of googling more than riding, boo, much boo.
Although the tag has been up for 5 days, I haven't even tried to look for it :(
Sorry bud
Edit: and crowd clues, the amount of help @sburns and @Joe Bass have given me throughout these years of clue requests for others' tags, much appreciated chaps
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Sometimes the motivation’s not there...especially if you’ve ridden that area sooo many times. I honestly thought someone would have picked it up by now tbh.

Sometimes life gets in the way .

There was a tag 8km from me and I let it pass.

Picked up the next one 13km away instead .

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@jeff96, I absolutely do not believe there was any malicious intent with the tag. I should have really emphasized this point. Unfortunately it was just a good example for me to emphasis a point I have made on this matter over the years. I apologize if you took it personally, I had no intent to call out any one person.

When I did participate in this game (a few years back) I found the excitement in getting the tag before the next person and often times a tag would be gotten while I was out riding. For me, that was the thrill and the point of it - get out riding. Then it seemed to evolve into who the best sleuth was and at that point I was out and didn't bother checking in on the thread anymore.

I just wanna play :)

Again, I was not intentionally attacking you. In hindsight, I suppose I could have made that more clear.
If I had my insurance already I would rip it up to Caledon OPP in a heart beat haha. God damn this new lockdown pushed back my Safety M2 course even more.... Fingers crossed for May now.... Was going to be April 16-17
Soulcatcher, hold my beer, I got this...tomorrow...
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