Had a fun solo ride on Sat. Must have done around 700-750 km in 12 hours. By the end, my butt and wrists were beyond numb. So much that I had to manage with just the rear brakes in the last 10 km or so. Couldn't feel my fingers lol.
Thanks to
@shanekingsley for the map tweaks and valuable input. I based my route around his streetcar route that was posted in the Ride Hookups thread. And funny enough, I ran into the group near the 'not so secret' streetcar wreck. I didn't plan on it or didn't know where the streetcar was located. I just got bored of 118 and took a deviation which took me through dirt roads and eventually a photo op with the whole gang.
Below is the route if anyone is interested (it's different from what Shane and the team did - shorter):
To -
Henry Farm to Sandal's Sanctuary
Back -
Sandal's Sanctuary to Sebright
I was supposed to ride to Essonville and then go up to Wilberforce but got bored of riding on 118.
Morning was foggy and I slowed down considerably due to this. Every 10 secs I was wiping my visor with my gloves but by the time it cleared up I was closer to the nicer roads.
507 - Construction work is done, but still saw pile-ons on the side of the road. Some newly paved sections missing road markings, so maybe for that.
I must mention Harburn Rd and Haliburton Lake Rd was a wonderful loop. I'm glad Shane pointed this out to me. Both these roads are narrow and technical. Comparatively, I felt Haliburton lake rd can be ridden a bit faster than Harburn Rd.
Another road I need to mention is Burleigh Rd 15. What an awesome road!!! I think this road might just be better than Southwood Rd as it's freshly paved and it's insane. Again, thanks to Shane - for the heads up on what lay ahead. This is an insane road with a lot of elevation changes, blind turns, and narrow width. The next time I would definitely add the entire section in my route and maybe include Elephant rd and Peterson rd as well (never been on those roads).
I stopped at Skyline Park near Haliburton. By the time I was leaving, it was getting kind of crowded. Glad I reached ahead of them and had the lookout point all to myself. I also sat there for a short while. It was great to check out a destination on this trip. Usually, I'm riding throughout without stopping. I kind of liked this, might do this for all future trips.
Nothing to write about the return trip - boring. 503 and 45 were filled with cars and by then I was exhausted so just rode home at a decent pace.
Some pics that I took along the way:
Near Fort Irwin Marina at the end of Harburn Rd
Parked at Skyline
Will have to definitely pay a visit in the Fall season