2015 Honda cb300f luggage options

Think about the volume you want to pack. Side bags + a top box will be about 80 - 90 liters of capacity. A top box + dry bag crossways on your rear seat will give you about 100 liters. A larger dry bag on your rear seat and on a rack will give you 100 - 120 liters.

Given the type of bike you have, how long you plan to keep it, the cost of side bags, racks, top boxes, drybags IMHO the best bang for the buck would be a large drybag crossways on the rear seat or an even larger drybag on the rear seat and a rack.
There are no side bag options of for his bike unless soft luggage and the exhaust will burn through that real quick. The exhaust is brutal and there is no heat shield for reasons known only to Honda.
Top case, tank bag and dry bag on the buddy seat.
The damn rack is expensive too tho well made.
Shifting to a third party exhaust might help but really for his description even just tank bag and dry roll on the buddy seat would be fine.
What do you guys think of this top case https://fortnine.ca/en/emgo-travel-trunk-72-32440 It’s pretty cheap but I guess you get what you pay for. What top case brands would you recommend for my bike?

The Emgo case is a good choice. I used one for many miles. The squarish shape makes for more efficient packing. Large enough to hold a full face helmet. The carry handle adds convenience. Easy on, easy off. And the price is right!

There is no rack on your bike.
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You need the Shad rack first then whatever top case you want.

Not sure why you are steering away from tank bag and dry bag.

All the CB 300s and 500s look awful with top cases hanging off the back.
I refused to get one on the 500x - instead went with Shad 23 top loads - 46 L total and were brilliant.
Pasted Graphic.tiff
and had to cave on the CB300. Not available :(
Got the white cover for both the sun and to break up the visual size of the tank bag.
The difference in price was pretty small between the 39 ( shown ) and the next smaller.
Figured i needed it for groceries and it takes both my small tank bag and my helmet securely when I'm in stores etc.
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The Shad rack will take most any top case. You have to install the rack carefully with even torque and I'd suggest blue sealer but it is strongly built. There are usually top cases available used too.
Is very sturdy but you do have to be careful with any top case not to overload it. Dry bags are way better in that regard. 7KG is max recommended for the Shad 39
SW motech rack. You have to get a quick release adapter plate but with the plate you can use anybody's top box not just ss motechs.

This one bolts into my subframe in 4 places and I've lifted the bike from it when I replaced my rear shock. Of course it may be different mounting for yours.20220523_144510.jpg
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