2014 Ontario GTA Photo Tag


5402 Main St. , Stouffville


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Nims, is this the final day of the game?
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I believe it is Jayell
Who wants what could be the last tag of the game?
How about a race between Dean and Betty?


Ive seen it, but cant place it. Not sure Ill be able to get out tho.
Old queen and hastings


Hint...where can you find horses in Toronto. I did a tag very close to this earlier this year.

Lots of tagging left today!!!
I was supposed to post the final score update today meaning yesterday was supposed to be the last day. Since I wasn't clear on that last week, and considering we have few more warm days, next Saturday will be the last day and final score update next Sunday.
New Tag: (I was going to hold off until later just to see if ddean wanted one more point... but.. game on)
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