2014 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

Based on my preferred area of the GTA to find my tags that should help with your Google search. Plus if you take a close look in the photo it will give you a clue on what road you should be searching! Better hurry up as I'm pretty sure Goocati is already on his way to get this one! ;-)
Based on my preferred area of the GTA to find my tags that should help with your Google search. Plus if you take a close look in the photo it will give you a clue on what road you should be searching! Better hurry up as I'm pretty sure Goocati is already on his way to get this one! ;-)

Sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like Goocati and Grady are one in the same, one towing the other on a carbon fiber sled. Self-tagging "each other's" tags. ;)
I've done all the googling I can. How about another hint, GT?
Sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like Goocati and Grady are one in the same, one towing the other on a carbon fiber sled. Self-tagging "each other's" tags. ;)

Rest assured we are not the one in the same. We just happen to have very flexible schedules that allow us to ride at our choice.
I bet they go ride to the old tag together, one of them grabs it. Then they go for some luxurious lunch on some dock or patio and have a great time. Drive to new tag together after being fed grapes by smoking hot women of paradise. Upload the photo. Go to dinner at some amazing spot. Whoop it up. Then the other guy goes and grabs the old new tag after filling their bellies with creme brulee and blackforest cake...The process repeats the next day!

I want to come back as Grady or Goo next life!
I bet most of you who are playing this photo-tag game have ridden or drove under this bridge at some point. And DDean your description sounds like a life I should be leading. Sadly I am not!
I know exactly where that is, and it's really weird what a little change in perspective can make something look so different. Gonna head over there after some work if my bike is up to it!
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