2014 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

I'm not sure which is the active new tag. Is it macs' or TGT's?

Looks like Nims has set TGTs as the new tag right now

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Great tag. Took me awhile to find it, and I learned something about history in the process!

If its still up later, maybe I will try to get it. Itll be my longest ride yet!

Camp X. Boundary Rd, Whitby

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FYI you can see the original image if you view the web version. You have to keep clicking the enlarge icon but you'll get a version big enough to read the sign.

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Not sure if that works on the mobile site, but it does on the desktop version .

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My phone is too dead to unplug. This is the farthest I can get it from my bike :)

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NEW! What a great eve for a ride!

And from the other side:

This house is on a corner lot, if one of those streets gave birth this month this street would describe that event.
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This house is on a corner lot, if one of those streets had a baby this month it would be named this...

May? Spring? Gemini? I have no idea what they'd call their baby. I do know I've spent more time sitting in front of my computer than I would have spent riding there if I found it, so I'm just going to wait for the next one.
I didn't think this would be that difficult. So think this month and Matt Damon's most famous series of movies, and you have the street. That street runs north and south.
Found it!
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