2014 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

So you two are saying riding your katooms and ducs was a waste of time and money? I had always heard they were kinda fun to ride. Just not too far .....

Seeing as nims232 is the current steward of this years tag thread I would say it's his call....but da rulz is da rulz....just sayin....
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I hope one day that I'm seconds behind Goo to a tag so that 1) he gets it and 2) he is still there.

Same for all of you, except I want to be seconds ahead of you!

Thanks DD that takes some of the sting out of my first miss, make it a double. :sad2:

We should address the rules re: the tag that was late by 22 mins, my take on this is: we are doing this for fun, and as long as no one posts a protest about someone being late (talking minutes not hours or days here) with their tag who cares? If on the other hand someone notices and posts a protest at the time the tag is overdue then the rule will apply. Anyone else have a thought about this?
No, we are saying that, or at least Im saying, that its too far back to protest the time limit on that tag. What happens if you didnt find that now but did in November. Would they pull it back to April/May?
There has to be a statute of limitations on all rule challenges to keep the game fun or else havoc will ensue.
No, we are saying that, or at least Im saying, that its too far back to protest the time limit on that tag. What happens if you didnt find that now but did in November. Would they pull it back to April/May?

Dude, there is no protest, must be the scoring that gives you this adversarial perspective, personally I could give a flying fuk, just making an observation, and stirring the shiit a little bit...my call would be that nims has final say on the rulz for this year as he is the pointz biatch...

since this is a photo thread, an interesting pic of a modded ktm...

Seeing as nims232 is the current steward of this years tag thread I would say it's his call....but da rulz is da rulz....just sayin....

Well that call could and should have been made way back when the infraction occured, but apparently nims either didn't notice, like some of us, or didn't care, like some of us. I believe the people that have been playing this season are reasonable like minded fun seeking individuals not too concerned about "winning" and, when presented with a slight discrepency in the rules, many days after the infraction that no one at the time either saw or cared about, we take note and try to make sure it sure it doesn't happen again.
Nims, not trying to throw you under the bus here, just the way I interpreted the lack of protest from you, me or anyone else regarding that errant 22 mins time frame.
Sweet! I'm glad that you got it. I like your youtube channel, I also am a Dad on my first road bike.
In reply to the rule challenge, if it was allowed all rule challenges have to be allowed no matter how late they may be. Once the game has progressed to this point it would be fruitless and demoralizing to call such a technical infraction. It seems to be the common consensus that there be a time limit on challenges, I think 24 hours would be fair going forward and I propose an amendment to the rules if all agree.
OK Eastyork3 I'm waiting, I know those semi-retired people will be chomping at the bit come 5am so let us working folks have a chance.
No kidding, Fallingbrook. I thought that it might be there but moved on to a new location too quick it seems!

And I sub'd to your YouTube channel tonight EastYork3.

Id be up for a Tag tonight but Ive got my 9yo by myself sooooo........climb on the back and hold on tight, we're going tagging!!!!
24 hrs seems far too long IMO. One hour, if no one notices or cares enough to protest, the tag is legit.
Thanks for the Youtube subs! It's warm and foggy out, but no rain!

The area around Fallingbrook is nuts. Never been out there before. I'm sure most of the people living there are members at the tag below.


At the end of my street basically!!!!!

You guys have a few hrs to grab it before I unleash the Duke.
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Too much talking and less tagging today...eh...

From what I can see, both Goocati's and Orygun's last edit time were 6:34pm. I wasn't watching what was going on at that time. Since no one can prove who edited what at what time, I would have said the point goes to Goocati based on the original post time. Since Goocati graciously gave it to Orygun, the point goes to Orygun and let the game continue...
Nims232- when I posted my pic at 6:30 I could see that Goocati had not uploaded that pic in his previous post. I edited my spelling and then noticed that he had uploaded that pic at the same time. I guess in the future I will leave the spelling alone to avoid confusion and these close calls.
I believe this is the tag you were all discussing about...

This is a valid and nothing to dispute. In that 22 minutes, someone else could have scored a point.

Clarification on the 3-hour rule:
If a new tag is not posted within 3 hours, someone else can grab the old tag and post a new tag BEFORE the original tagger posts a new tag. This means that the second tagger does not automatically gets 3 hours to post the new tag but at least gets a chance to score a point. If the original tagger decided not to post a new tag for whatever reason, then the 3-hour rule apply from the time second tagger posted the old tag.

Probably the confusion was because of the statement "tag is considered void". I will add the above note to rule #7. Hope this clears any confusion.

Ride safe and have fun everyone!
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