2013 Ontario GTA Photo Tag


Can't figure out what the company name is reflecting in the glass. And reverse image searching the logo on the Staff Parking signs isn't returning anything.
Arista Homes, 570 Applegate Ct, Vaughan

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Haha it was a tricky one.


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I wasn't sly enough :p

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Who could forget the long walks from your car to these buildings in those cold, harsh winters?

Crap can't respond to this cause it would give away the location.lol

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Time and weather, but once again I have no idea where this is.

if there was only a way you could find a place to educate yourself about finding tags....
I knew it was either a hospital or an educational centre, but I'm on my phone out riding and I'm just more into the ride than I am about sitting on google. Thanks though.
Also why I miss tags sometimes lol

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No idea. Photo doesn't hold any clues that I can see. Hint?
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