2013 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

No where near my bike sorry. But if u want this to count as new u can ;) or else someone else can go grab the old & new.

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No where near my bike sorry. But if u want this to count as new u can ;) or else someone else can go grab the old & new.

So what happened...forgot?...lol... Glad you are ok. Probably everyone is thinking if Bermuda triangle is chasing you or something...
Decided to Google his postal code n couldn't let it go to waste

Old: 50 Esna park road

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lmfao... This went from the place nobody could find, to the most tagged location yet haha.

Meet at The Beaumont after AYCE tonight... anyone?
Let's see how many are paying attention


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I Missed by 3 minutes lol
Sorry fellas, after I missed the tag by a few min I did not check back till now, would have got a new tag but im stuck at work.
^ lol its all good let them have it as I messed it up.

I really messed up this game earlier! oops... looks like you all had a nice ride to: The beaumont at least! :)
Side note: McDonald's internet and Photobucket just don't like each other. It a pain!these last couple of tags.. I need internet back on my phone that works soon! perfect night riding weather now.
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