2013 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

I really don't get what the big deal is though. If she sends me a pic, I upload it to my photobucket, and send her the link, and she uploads the link. No harm, no foul. But hey... W.e.. The score keeper has spoken...
I don't have the programs on my cell to upload the pics. So I take them and send them to Sheldon to upload for me. Remember my first tag? Was a disaster lol, I couldn't upload properly or at all in some cases.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9790 using Tapatalk

This works fine on the 9xxx series Blackberry phones: http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/5193/
(PhotoBucket upload app, even gives you the IMG code copied directly to your clipboard for pasting in Tapatalk. Easy Peasy).

If data coverage is an issue, you can always run into a Tim Hortons/McDonalds parking lot and piggy back off their WiFi.
Can I make a request that everyone updates their old tags with the Address of the tag... many old tags have not been updated with the location.

Thanks :)


Sent from my BlackBerry 9790 using Tapatalk
I don't have the programs on my cell to upload the pics. So I take them and send them to Sheldon to upload for me. Remember my first tag? Was a disaster lol, I couldn't upload properly or at all in some cases.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9790 using Tapatalk
Aah ok... No biggie... Looks like you are all set with your own photobucket now...
I screwed up the address. I would have beat you.


Lol... East eh?
We missed you nims lol. P.s.. How is the 300 treating you? Is there a big difference from the 250?
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