2011_07_12 Old School Road Caledon Rider Down

Update, 9 pm Thursday: Another surgery today, not good news, the injury list keeps growing. Shattered hip, fractured sternum and lacerated spleen. However, the major concern is the leg, there is a lot of contamination, a 5 hour surgery to remove debris and damaged tissue, infection is the main enemy here, it cannot be allowed to spread. His spirits were up yesterday, I'm hoping they will still be up tomorrow.
Update, 9 pm Thursday: Another surgery today, not good news, the injury list keeps growing. Shattered hip, fractured sternum and lacerated spleen. However, the major concern is the leg, there is a lot of contamination, a 5 hour surgery to remove debris and damaged tissue, infection is the main enemy here, it cannot be allowed to spread. His spirits were up yesterday, I'm hoping they will still be up tomorrow.

Thank you for the update, GWS rider.
Get Well soon rider. Sorry to hear of this.
GWS rider, sincerely hope that you will pull through with as little damage as possible!
GWS Lawrence!
I came across this website while looking for more details of the accident. I'm a friend of the family. Lawrence remains in critical condition. Sergeries are going to be ongoing for quite some time. they're anticipating about 6 months in hospital and then even longer in rehab. there has been a lkink set up on facebook to send messages to his family and Lawrence himself.

if this doesn't work, you could also search 'well wishes for Lawrence'
great rider, all the best to friends and the family. The community is thinking of him
Gws :(
GWS Rider.
Hello all I've been asked by Laurence himself to become a member and update to you all on a regular basis with what is going on as I am his sister in law.
Yes it was Laurence that was involved in a horrific accident Last Tuesday on old school road.
He is curently in Sunnybrook hospital with serious injuries. The only saving grace is that he had NO head trauma or spinal injuries he has very long road ahead of him and needs all the support and prayers right now so please think of him daily in your prayers.
He has broken is femur bone quite extensivly and shattered his pelvis.. he has a colapsed lung.. broken ribs and chest injuries he has run into infections ...he is curently waiting for surgery as we wait paitently he keeps getting bumped so keep him and his family in your prayers and please ride safe. Laurence's wife is reading all messages on this site and facebook please free to join our facebook site and ill add you.
and please if you have any questions message me and i'll will answer them as best I can.
thank you
Thank you for the update Tonella!
Please give Laurence my best wishes for the most speedy recovery possible!
Thank you, Tonella. Everyone is pulling for Laurence. He's a tough guy and he will pull through with flying colours. Sending positive thoughts, prayers and well wishes. <3
According to the latest update from Tonella on the Facebook group, Laurence is doing well, and is actually heading home in the next couple of days, well ahead of the original timeframe. There is still a lot of healing and therapy to go through, but he's moving in the right direction.

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers, i am in fact going home on Monday but i do indeed have much time left in rehab, i am hopefull that i will be walking by Christmas, recently saw surgeon and he has allowed me to put 20% weight on my left leg and should be able to put full weight at the end of October. I am staying very positive and have beaten many odds and i firmly believe you can do anything you put your mind to, i will make a full recovery and be riding and teaching in the spring of 2012, cheers, Laurence
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