Odd. The last lines I ordered (spiegler) you could rotate them as needed once you got them if they were facing the wrong way.
Not all brake lines offer rotating banjos, thats a big advantage of the Speiglers for me
Odd. The last lines I ordered (spiegler) you could rotate them as needed once you got them if they were facing the wrong way.
Yeesh. Sounds like a pain in the butt. It took me less time than that to fit a 2010 set of bodywork onto a 2004 10R.
At least you're not trying to fit it on a week night in June between race rounds. Could be worse!
Will be ready for round 1? I still need to get/install my new Hindle system and Bazzaz.
My goal is to have the bike ready for the beginning of May but I'm not sure what's happening this season as far as which rounds or how many I'm going to do. I really want to use this season to get my act together and plan for the nationals in 2015. I wanted race them this year but with all the issues I had last season and life changes this year it just isn't possible.
Lookin pretty sweet, what colour / paintjob are you doing on the bike?
Im hoping im ready for RACE round 1!
Wait, you had your R+D year last season! No excuses this year!
Does that mean you going to the dark (TC) side?
Wow do u have any sponsors or is this all from your pocket?