2011 ALS Charity Poker Run / Mark's Run Aug. 6th 2011

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johnny da bull

Well-known member
Marks Run Poster 100.jpg


There are new and exciting updates on this ride daily so keep an eye on our website www.marksrun.ca

Saturday August 6th 2011

Entrance Fee: $25.00 per bike or $100.00 in Pledges

Manual Pledge forms for Riders can be printed from this site: https://www.als.ca/events/documents/upload/AndrewRomano/Individual Events/Pledge Form.pdf

REMEMBER, you are responsible for collecting pledges at the time the pledge is made!

Once again, this year we will stick to the proposition of bringing joy, if just for a moment, to those who have contracted this horrible disease.

This year we will be having a poker run through one of the most beautiful areas in Southern Ontario.

We will start at Canada Cruisers http://www.canadacruisers.ca/ and The Hardball http://hardballcafe.com/ in Milton, Ontario. We will set up 5 destinations (to be kept secret till the run starts) where we will have victims of ALS and their families handing out the playing cards. The play area will be between Toronto, Orangeville, Kitchener, Cambridge and Burlington. This is a beautiful area where the Niagara escarpment runs right through which should make for some very enjoyable riding. Obviously the player that returns with the best hand wins and we are planning on having some great prizes. Following the poker run, we will be having many activities including a charity silent auction as well; we will once again be putting on a BBQ.

The Hardball will be open for those of you who will chose to hang around for the remainder of the evening.

As the ride develops we will be keeping you all informed via our website.
As always, Thank You so much to all the bikers who have made this ride a reality!

Prize and Silent Auction Donations to date

FREE Wash and Showtime detailer from Mothers (1st 100 plus to register) day of ride http://www.mothers.com

FREE kick stand pads (1st 100 plus to register) day of ride from Biker Pads http://www.bikerpadproducts.com

#1 Hand painted pinstriping prize by Rollie Guertin http://rollieguertin.typepad.com/
#2 Full Face Zox Helmet by Motovan http://www.zoxhelmets.com/86-63081_en.html
#3 Pro Picture of your bike printed on canvas by Ken Babcock http://www.beyondclassicphotography.com
#4 Brass Pole Motorcycle accessories , a pair of Cordura Beltless Chaps http://www.brasspolema.com
#5 Diablo Motorcycle co. $400.00 certificate towards Mustang seat http://www.diablocycle.ca
#6 Parker Brothers Powersports "Men's and Ladies Powertrip jackets" http://powersports.ca/
#7 Badd *** Bracelets Men's and Women's Braclets http://www.baddassbracelets.com/
#8 Mothers (2) completely filled detailing buckets http://www.mothers.com
#9 Ottawa Good Times Centre (3) Specialty Biker Grab Bags http://www.ottawagoodtime.com/
#10 Machanix Wear gloves (4 pair) from http://www.mechanixwear.ca

The ALS Society of Ontario
Charitable Registration # 13182 0938 RR0001

Best Regards, John Thompson (aka: Johnny Da Bull):happy3:
This was a great event last year. Looking forward to it again. Bigger and better in one way but sad in that Mark is no longer around to see the bike roll by his house.

Patricia and I both plan on joing the ride. I would encourage everybody to get out there for this ride.
I am in as well. Missed it last year but Greg really enjoyed the ride. Hope to meet some female riders as well. Check out the web page www.marksrun.ca to see some photos from last year.

I look forward to meeting you John.
would like to fit it in. it is my daughters b-day. She is turning 19, so I'm not sure she has any plans spending it with her folks:p
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