2000 r6 hesitation problem


Well-known member
I noticed sometimes when accelerating the bike hesitates. i was thinkin carb sync. any suggestions?

anyone here with a sync tool wanna lend a hand???
carb sync is only for idle. if the bike idles smoothly with out a burp or cough then your carbs are ok. check ignition coils for resistence, water in the gas (take sample from gas tap on reserve) water is heavy than gas and use a glass jar,and check spark plugs for rich or lean conditions for each cylinder
Stock jetting on that bike seems to create a flat spot between 6 and 7000 rpm, maybe try a dyno jet or factory pro jet kit with needles. If you dont want to change jetting experiment with the clip psition on the needles. Is the bike stock otherwise, exhaust, airfilter and head?
the same thing happen to me a few days ago.. after storing for a while. I found out that one of my spark plugs werent firing properly and made it run really slow and hesitates. It sparked fine and everything when i tested it, but wen i unplugged the plug on that side the bike made no difference. So i swapped it with a fresh one and now the bike runs perfect again and doesnt want to stall. Maybe thats what you need?

here's a pic of my sync (attempt to sync). 1,4 are sync 2,3 are sync but I cant get them all at the same level, hope the pic shows up.

theres only 3 sync screws bike runs/idles decent like this.
on a cold start, check to see if 2&3 are colder than 1&4. if so switch inner coils with outer coils and check for tempature again. you should clean the spark plugs while doing the switch. your pic shows 2&3 are not firing, the resistance should be all the same for all coils about 8-12 ohms, if so , check the pick up coil resistance, they should be the same for 1&4 as 2&3. hope you have a meter?
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