20" iMac4,1 stuck at non-responsive black screen after EFI update

If you turn the off, make sure its completely off, unplug from the wall and plug back in. If you hold down the "option' key on bootup, does it go to a load screen to choose what OS you want to boot into? Maybe its something wrong with the Windows partition thats locking it up as it keeps trying to boot into Windows. If not that, schedule a Genius appointment at your nearest Apple store and let them have a crack it.

Nope, that was one of the first things I tried. It seems as though the machine is effectively "brain-dead". It won't boot in any fashion whatsoever -- the only response I can get from it at all, is when I continue to hold the power button as it turns on, and get the 9 or 10 rapid flashes of the Sleep LED. This is where it would normally apply the EFI update, but that doesn't happen -- it just continues to sit at the black screen, no response to anything else. My guess is the EFI/firmware/BIOS/whatever you want to call it is toast, never properly updated, so the machine lacks the code necessary to actually attempt to boot.

I own a newer iMac and Mac Mini myself, among a few PC's which I primarily use now... glad I've never run into these problems... And though I've done several before, I've always avoided doing BIOS updates for this very reason. Figures the one time I actually do one and it backfires, it's a friend's machine. Grrr.
i had to for a battery that ended up on recall

My wife had milk poured into her laptop.
They made us pay for a new battery, but not the machine itself.
Go figure.

I'd still take it in to Apple and let them have a quick look, they might surprise you.
Did you try unplugging with the battery out?
Put in OS CD. Boot up holding down the "C" key. Run a troubleshooting program from the CD.


I don't know why so many of you people have to make smartass remarks instead of just helping this guy out. It's a wonder anyone posts serious questions on this forum.
Put in OS CD. Boot up holding down the "C" key. Run a troubleshooting program from the CD.

That's the next step, see of you can boot off an install disc. If that does not work you really should schedule a genius appointment at the apple store. It's free and they will give you proper direction
iMacs don't have a battery like a notebook.

Every computer has a battery. And in this case it's a good suggestion for him to pull it as well as unplug from power to get a full reset... but getting to the CMOS battery in an iMac ain't easy.

Oh boy, here we go again...........

Linux FTW :cool:

unrelated video

this is probably a first, that someone is coming on here with a Mac issue(although it is a serious one).

Those of you with a PC, probably crosses your finger on startup, hoping it does startup.

You should've just stayed quiet....even myself, have no reason of replying to this thread, unless i have a remedy for the O-poster.

but as of lately, i see the mods not doing their part of keeping this forum friendly, we should all be friends on here.

Help each other and not bash, atleast not all the time, but it seems like all the time on here.

I'm on other forums, and certain things can't happen there.

the thread title didn't state "VS".
All the noise in this thread stems from the fact that nobody really has any specific advice for the OP. One of the biggest pros to owning a Mac, from my perspective, are the Apple Stores and the assistance they can offer. I would see about making an appointment and taking it in.
The difference between Apple and PC I've found, is that it's very hard to find the particular truck that you bought the PC from. When you do, they seem to treat PC's as cheap, disposable, one use products.
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