1ST annual bike meet (buffalo wild wing vaughan ) hwy 400 and major mack

Just a update guys plz park behind buffalo wing wing place facing major mack .. that spot will be reserved for us motorcyclist ... See u guys tonight and come hungry
Says clear skies tonight. 0% rain in Richmond Hill and Vaughan.

Illl be there for 710pm. Ill try to arrive after SicScarp29 so ill know where to park LOL
Sorry I missed it. Waited 30 min under a bridge on the 400 for the rain to let up, then head back home.
Any meetings on Thursdays?

Thursdays is Lakeshore and Leslie Tim Horton's. then 400 and hwy 7 where bikes and cars come out, like a scene out of fast and furious.
Thursdays is Lakeshore and Leslie Tim Horton's. then 400 and hwy 7 where bikes and cars come out, like a scene out of fast and furious.

It's called Ertefa
Any place to go today?

i think the same thing every Monday. we should start something north of Toronto.

There is the Ice Cream run on Mondays, but i think it's downtown.
Monday Mexican? I know a GREAT place in Newmarket
Where downtown? At what time usually?

not sure. it's a thread on the forum.
I THINK the location changes from week to week... not sure tho. never been.

then Mexican Mondays it is! good call macs

then Mexican Mondays it is! good call macs

Never been to the place, but grew up around that area. Have heard many good things about it from many of people.
hey guys, tomorrow is still on ? .. I finally get to come out :D
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