1ST annual bike meet (buffalo wild wing vaughan ) hwy 400 and major mack

Ok guys good news, Spoke with Gm hes very nice guy gave lots of ideas and loves the idea , hes giving us a huge parking spot, As for the food ...free non-alcoholic beverages with $5 dollar apps , also considering more incentives once we see the outcome ... like radio stations involved having a cookout outside as well more discounted foods So basically if alot bikes come out it will benefit everyone. Its a big place lots big screens, outside patio

So its a go starting next and every Wednesday May 22 starting at 7pm -1030pm or till close ( Weather Permitting) until summer ends

but he doesn't mind us hanging outside as long as we come and eat , if there to much loitering he has to contact the property management. so lets all be smart about it ... lets help this grow ... hope we can make this work... ride safe everyone

Thanks Guys\
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Ok guys good news, Spoke with Gm hes very nice guy gave lots of ideas and loves the idea , hes giving us a huge parking spot, As for the food ...free non-alcoholic beverages with $5 dollar apps , also considering more incentives once we see the outcome ... like radio stations involved having a cookout outside as well more discounted foods So basically if alot bikes come out it will benefit everyone. Its a big place lots big screens, outside patio

So its a go starting next and every Wednesday May 22 starting at 7pm -1030pm or till close ( Weather Permitting) until summer ends

but he doesn't mind us hanging outside as long as we come and eat , if there to much loitering he has to contact the property management. so lets all be smart about it ... lets help this grow ... hope we can make this work... ride safe everyone

Thanks Guys\

Great stuff, I'll talk to the group I hang with and see how they feel about attending. Looking forward to this !!
Also could be future prizes.. im working on it with others ..work in progress keep u posted in mean time, meet is a go
awesome news ! looking forward to this, I work until 8 on Wednesday but i'll be coming after wards ! good job !
Damnit! Is there anything happening there tonight?!? TAFB posted the events on FaceBook for the wrong date I think!!!! SMH
now i want wings .... can we go anyways and test out the area for next week ?? Goldie ??? lol foooooooooooooooooooooooooood
I'm so sad everything is middle toronto/north toronto, anyone know of any places that are Oakville or west for us 905'ers? :)
Nice i'm off early nxt Wednesday haha, hopefully the weather cooperates !
The weather's not looking too promising. Fingers crossed! I'll be there if the storm clouds stay away!!
hey guys just reminder bike meet is a go.. starts 730pm till 1030... i will be at a funeral, i will show after around 8-830 , so lets hope weather is good ... like i said before this meet is good till summer ends , so every Wednesday
Yea weather is looking foul, shame was looking forward to this event.
Sorry bro, I'll ride in a drizzle but 30mm is a bit much for me
we did go .. everything was delicious and they even split the bill for us ... manager was a good guy ..
Here's some pics from last time........ kinda glad we went instead last week considering its raining this week :rolleyes:




Great Pictures Goldie, looks like a good night out. Dang this rain !!!
This is a lot closer than L&L for those of us riding down from the North. Tonight looks like a washout. But I`m looking forward to attending soon. I hope it grows into a big meet.
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