125cc off-road insurance solution?


Active member
I currently have three off-road motorcycles insured with Desjardin. One WR250F, one CRF150, and one CRF100. Desjardin has grandfathered me because I’ve been a customer for a long time.

My wife’s sister now has the dirt bike bug and wants to buy a TTR125 but can’t find anyone willing to insure the bike because it is 150cc or less.

I am considering having my sister-in-law buy the TTR125, but then I would register, plate, and insure the bike in my name. She would keep it at her cottage near Bancroft where she lives and she would be the primary driver. She would mainly ride with us on the Crown Land trails around her cottage and around Bancroft. She would also occasionally transport it to Ganaraska.

I mentioned this to my Desjardin agent and they didn’t seem to have any trouble with it….

Can anyone see any major problems doing this?
As long as you tell insurance where it is living and who is riding it, I don't see legal issues (they may not appreciate the primary rider living at a different address and having a different name than the owner though). If she ever has a claim (reasonably unlikely on a dirtbike imo) you get kicked in the nuts.
Will Desjardins actually right a new policy on 150cc or less though? I'm under the impression your grandfathered policy/bikes are good to go but replacements or additions aren't accepted.

Let us know how you make out.
Anybody know why there is a hate for <150cc? If the policies were too cheap to bother writing, that is easy enough to solve with a minimum premium (eg everything <150 cc is $250. It doesn't matter if it is 125 or 50 cc).
Anybody know why there is a hate for <150cc? If the policies were too cheap to bother writing, that is easy enough to solve with a minimum premium (eg everything <150 cc is $250. It doesn't matter if it is 125 or 50 cc).
I don't think it is so much a money thing more that the insurance companies don't want to insure bikes that are going to mainly be ridden by kids.
I don't think it is so much a money thing more that the insurance companies don't want to insure bikes that are going to mainly be ridden by kids.
Many adults ride 125cc bikes. You should also remember that this “ban” applies to 150cc bikes as well, and ONLY in Ontario.

Why discriminate against kids? Are they more likely to cause a claim? If that were true they could simply increase the premiums. That is how the insurance industry normally works. To outright deny coverage seems totally illogical, and I have yet to hear a rational explanation as to why this has happened in Ontario.
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Will Desjardins actually right a new policy on 150cc or less though? I'm under the impression your grandfathered policy/bikes are good to go but replacements or additions aren't accepted.

Let us know how you make out.

Yes, the “ban” applies to all off-road bikes 150cc and less. That includes150cc bikes.

Yes, I added the CRF150F to my policy 3 months ago. Desjardin originally told me they no longer insure that bike Because it is not over 150cc. But they checked with their underwriter department and said they would cover me because I had a previous policy in place for my WR250F and CRF100F.
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This is a real thing my friend found out the hard way. Bought a fairly new 125 for his kid thinking no issue.... nope, can't insure it.
I was able to get a decent quote for my 125cc from Wawa, but it is a shitshow. The agents have no clue....
There were 3 other companies willing to insure it, but under a street bike insurance-like, ie: 1000$+/year
Cooperators (through brokers only as per their corporate) will do it as well, as long as you bring in business: car, home etc

One needs to call in (multiple times) get the right agent to get a sensible price quote
We, as a community, have to do something about this. Media, local gov, insurance shaming -) just posting on their social media account how ridiculous they are....OFTR etc.
this is messed up.

how did the insurance powers all decide to do this together at the same time? Its an organized collusion by the insurance powers to exclude certain bikes. is this kind of behaviour even legal? Are street legal bikes next?

I don't understand how they can combine to exclude 150cc bikes...they've colluded against the general public.

people in ontario shouldn't be excluded from being able to insure their property...

has anyone prep'd a form letter on this. and who should we mail it too?
I was just looking for the authority. this is madness
I can't have my kids or my spouse riding a small bike because the GOV requires insurance but the Insurance Industry refuses to provide it (as offroad - but have no issues covering the bike at the street bike premium)
it is noting but a money grab scheme
We should be running a petition to the authority as well as to the Ford GOV. If they can't insure, they should either scrap the requirement or allow us to cover it under personal liability umbrella
I mean, WTF?
WTF….I can agree that certain SS are black listed. But what possible reason can there be to exclude small bikes?

I am considering a 125-200cc off road bike should I get bored of the X and ride that on trails…which require insurance to be usable.

One of the reasons is my short inseam and not being able to swing my legs over many dirt bikes.
Is the CMA or MCC interested in this kind of thing?
I don't think there's anyone out there looking out for our needs (in this regard). As long as they are not financially affected, they won't care
We need to take this matter in our own hands if we are to see a change
The province and the powers that be should be the most interested in this matter
The economical impact of someone buying a small bike (or a bike in general) is huge

buy the bike $$$
pay the tax $
buy insurance $
buy equipment $$
buy trail passes $
rent/buy trailer $
buy gas $
buy food while traveling $
buy courses $
maintain bike $
buy aftermarket accessories $
get kids/fam active $

They're missing out on all that revenue and we on the fun
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