12 exotic cars impounded around Barrie story

But what they were or weren't doing isn't relevant, the only thing that is relevant is what can be proven in a court of law.

To the OP, an officer need not be an eye witness to an infraction. to lay a charge. People are charged everyday as the result of a collision, the officer isn't there to witness the collision, he/she merely does an investigation, which often includes witness statements etc.

But a collision isn't based upon heresay, usually physical evidence i.e vehicle damage,skidmarks etc etc.
I agree with Jayv's comments that evidence is still required to prove stunt driving. Also, the media has been all over this and they finally found some footage. See here. Go to 1:25 to 1:40. If that is the extent of video they have on these stunt drivers, then the Crown, I reckon, will have a difficult time proving the charges.

What bothers me is not so much the towing fees/etc., but rather the 7 day suspension showing up on your driver's license, for which there appears to be no way of having it removed, even if you are found not guilty. That's the part that sucks.
No one outside of the people directly involved knows what evidence the cops have on hand. Not even, at this point, the lawyer for the defence (it's far too early for disclosure to have happened).

If they were ripping up Highway 400 with multiple GoPro cameras rolling (as alleged - and I reckon that there is a high probability of this being the case) they may have cooked their own goose.
Pictures of previous posing sessions show "Mr Karim" was a part. At least he won't have a stunting charge tacked onto the rest of his legal problems. Were these the same people that used to run ertefa?
Lots of people with exotic cars drive responsibly just as lots of sport bike riders drive responsibly. Not all Harley owners make their livings from drugs and hookers. Lets not add the the stereotyping.

Sure, I've been on a Ferrari club of America Niagara wine tour and the driving was very tame. BUT this is a different demographic. You can think young guys in modified high performance/exotic cars go out to cruise around the speed limit all you want. Common sense tells me otherwise.

The fact only a small portion of the group got charged makes me think the police knows who was doing what.
If they were ripping up Highway 400 with multiple GoPro cameras rolling (as alleged - and I reckon that there is a high probability of this being the case) they may have cooked their own goose.

Not necessarily. Hypothetically, if the peeps took the GoPro cams before the cops showed up and locked them in either the glove compartment, or the front trunk, then I do not believe the police would have right to search those, not if they were pulled over for stunting. I mean, sure they could unlock those and view the GoPro footage, but I doubt it would be admissible in Court.
That's a likely story.
But what they were or weren't doing isn't relevant, the only thing that is relevant is what can be proven in a court of law.


of course its relevant. if they were "behaving" this wouldn't have happened.

now these guys lose their car for a week, will get raped on future insurance, and face a hefty fine, wasted time in court, lawyer fees, etc. Rich or not, its still a significant hit.

thats relevant to me.....
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of course its relevant. if they were "behaving" this wouldn't have happened.

Not necessarily true, especially the way this province considers speeding the cause for all bad things on the highway. Pass a slow, conservative driver in a loud, fast-looking vehicle and he's likely going to assume you're being a hooligan. Make that a pack of drivers and it only compounds the perception. As riders we should understand this well. And even if some of them were driving recklessly it doesn't mean they all were. Evidence is what matters.
But a collision isn't based upon heresay, usually physical evidence i.e vehicle damage,skidmarks etc etc.

Who said anything about hearsay? Hearsay is NOT the same as eye witness accounts. Perhaps spend some time in an actual court room and learn the legal definitions, as I have through likely thousands of hours of court time and testifying, etc etc.

I was merely advising the OP that an officer need not be present to witness the behaviour themselves in order to lay a charge. They likely did an preliminary investigation collected eye witness accounts, and acted, (correctly or incorrectly, as the courts will determine). In the interim, they will seek and obtain search warrants fir any seized GoPros etc to review.
Not necessarily. Hypothetically, if the peeps took the GoPro cams before the cops showed up and locked them in either the glove compartment, or the front trunk, then I do not believe the police would have right to search those, not if they were pulled over for stunting. I mean, sure they could unlock those and view the GoPro footage, but I doubt it would be admissible in Court.

Again you are incorrect in your assumptions. The cars are now impounded, as part of the impound process the car is "inventoried" to ensure the owner doesn't later come back and say, "I had a $10,000 diamond necklace in my car which is now gone." If a camera was discovered during the inventory process, it would be seized, (but not viewed), until a search warrant was obtained at which point anything on it would be completely admissible.

As Brian P correctly stated, NO ONE knows what evidence may or may not have been obtained, including the defense lawyer. At this point the lawyer is merely going on what his client(s), have told him, and as well all know NO one ever lies to their lawyer..lol.

I agree 100% the s172 legislation imposes unfair and punitive burdens upon the accused. I too wish it had never been enacted, but it was and the courts have ruled on it so that boat has sailed, our whining about it won't change the fact, of it's far reaching consequences.

Just like anyone who is charged these people will have their day in court. BUT, again it shows the importance of ONLY having your GoPro rolling when your behaving, and in order to protect yourself, in the event of an incident in which you are 100% not liable, either legally nor morally. My GoPro's saved me when another driver who had sideswiped my bike tried to have his insurance find me 100% at fault for the damage. After reviewing the video or BOTH cameras, my insurer, advised his company they were holding him 100% at fault, for the collision. But I always rode, responsibly, so I never had an issue, had the GoPros been seized. They also NEVER were positioned so as to provide a view of the speedometer, etc.
Again you are incorrect in your assumptions. The cars are now impounded, as part of the impound process the car is "inventoried" to ensure the owner doesn't later come back and say, "I had a $10,000 diamond necklace in my car which is now gone." If a camera was discovered during the inventory process, it would be seized, (but not viewed), until a search warrant was obtained at which point anything on it would be completely admissible.

So assuming that there were cameras rolling on the offending cars, what happens if they stuff them in their pockets instead of somewhere in the car? If I understand correctly, as the drivers weren't arrested they could only be searched if they consented (is this correct?). If the police saw them putting the cameras in their pockets can they seize them as above and apply for a search warrant to review later?

Does anyone sell SD cards that use something like battery backed SRAM? If you wanted to record hijinx, you have a very limited time after the camera is switched off to retrieve the data, otherwise it all vanishes.
weak sauce!
crush their cars on the side of the road in the presence of the media/tv cameras.:D
just go full retard

It is funny, we are charging you...pay all these fines for the luxury of us charging you...you go to court and found not guilty...uhm about those fees, refund please...nope...that is the luxury tax for you going to court and being found not guilty.

How do we get more laws as such?
The police don't have any decent video evidence (at least not from witnesses)otherwise it would have been all over citytv(tabloid news at best).What they probably have is some miserable, jealous jerkoff's eye witness accounts
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Not necessarily true, especially the way this province considers speeding the cause for all bad things on the highway. Pass a slow, conservative driver in a loud, fast-looking vehicle and he's likely going to assume you're being a hooligan. Make that a pack of drivers and it only compounds the perception. As riders we should understand this well. And even if some of them were driving recklessly it doesn't mean they all were. Evidence is what matters.
The one time I was reported to police I was riding fully within the law, but I was the sweep bike for a group ride making my plate the easiest to read. They could not charge me with anything as it was merely hearsay from the car driver.
BTW Police will not search a car without warrant . They are put in secure compound . Not inventoried unless warrant issued .

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