$10 gift card to apologize for the Crowdstrike outage works as well as their software | GTAMotorcycle.com

$10 gift card to apologize for the Crowdstrike outage works as well as their software

Bigger than Y2k?

I don't recall much, if any, of an outage for Y2K. I do recall the frantic efforts leading up to and responsible for that non-event. Seems Honda (or their suppliers) didn't learn from that and 4 years later built cars that were affected by a similar problem in 2022:

The Cause:​

Honda’s head unit receives a GPS signal for date and time including a number representing a week, coded in binary. These digits count from 0-1024 and rollover to 0 after the completion of week 1024. Honda’s head unit supplier did not code their head units to account for the rollover and, on January 1, 2022, reverted to a date and time 1024 weeks in the past.

I don't recall much, if any, of an outage for Y2K. I do recall the frantic efforts leading up to and responsible for that non-event. Seems Honda (or their suppliers) didn't learn from that and 4 years later built cars that were affected by a similar problem in 2022:
You are right, there wasn't much damage but lots of hype.
I was just trying to be funny. lol
Some claim it was the biggest IT outage in the history of mankind..
I feel like this isn't true. I can't prove it though. The Rogers outage FELT worse but I guess that objectively affected less people since it was largely limited to Canada

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