Local skilled labour rates are too high here. Many of the parts that can be repaired can be bought new for so cheap there is no way to make money spending hours fixing them at $20, $30, $40+ an hour. In other parts of the world they still have all those shops because the local rate is well under $10 and the part still costs at least what it costs here new (lots of margin to fix things). It is not much of a conspiracy, it is economics.
I fix this type of stuff myself all the time for my cars... lots of info online and the schematics etc. are actually out there.
This is likely what happened.
My guess in the end, Ford says they are going to have A part made for him, I call BS. For the manufacturer to make just one of these parts would cost more than just giving him a replacement truck... Maybe they will get another batch run because they know they have an issue, or they will just farm out a part refurb to someone somewhere that still does this sort of thing and tell him it is "new." The companies that make these parts are not geared up to make one offs from years old runs. Unless of course this is a simple part they can 3D print???