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  1. S

    Muffler hole repair

    Need to fix this: The inner baffle is gone in that area as well. Does it need to be completely replaced? I like the look of the stock muffler (yeah I'm a weirdo) and an aftermarket one is $400-500. Putty and tiger tape?
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    Latest year to get comprehensive coverage?

    Edit: See fourth post, need help finding another insurance company.
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    Buy (used) in fall or spring?

    Looking to go with something else for next year, hopefully just one bike this time. Since this is my first go around, what are fall prices like in comparison to spring? I don't plan to sell/stop riding my scooter till the insurance renews in March. However I've noticed that cheap old bikes and...
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    Open face + no windshield = ????????

    Can someone please explain how so many people seem to pull this look off? While scootering around this weekend (today is maintenance day) I kept getting hit by rocks, sand/dirt/mud and insects, including a big *** dragonfly that made me stop to clean my visor off. I only have experience with...
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    Thinking of scootering

    Seeing if I can get some advice, I'm thinking of buying a scooter. Mainly to go camping with, either by itself or loading into my pickup. My dinosaur of a bike is totally undependable outside the city and it's too heavy for me to load/unload myself. I can't afford much over $1000 which is why...
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    Snake oil and carb cleaning help

    So a few weeks ago one of my pistons started knocking. Now my bike is an old cheap dinosaur and if it only survives till November I'll be happy, so rebuilding the engine is probably out. Anyway to combat the knock and being a retard I put in some of this octane booster...
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    Vanishing oil

    Hi, my bike appears to be burning oil. I did an oil change in late April, using Rotella T3 15W-40 and a K&N filter. The bike had the right amount then, but now is very low. I don't see any leaks on my garage floor or parking space at work. Google indicates it's some kind of gasket issue. I...
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    The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread I should know by now to never trust a Toyota driver.
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    The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread
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    The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

    I've had a dashcam for a couple weeks now, and although I'm normally against being a busybody this guy deserves it. Nothing like making a right and seeing this clown going the wrong way.
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    The Bad Drivers of Ontario Thread

    Maybe in the middle lane, but whoever recorded that from the left got to their destination maybe 30 seconds later then life endangering weave-and-brake. Most of the time I see weavers they never get anyplace faster, almost like the dumbies that race to the next red light. Hey got to have your...
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    Quick plating/licensing question

    OK so I bought another bike, one that actually works this time, and already have it certified and registered as "fit - unplated". Now I can get insurance as an M1 and get all this finished, but it would be cheaper to start the policy as an M2. However my safety certificate will expire by then...
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    Used bike, no bill, no ownership, no dice?

    About a month ago I saw what appeared to be a good deal on Kijiji. I paid some clown $750 for a 1979 Twinstar that's complete and functional, except for some electrical issues and a missing side panel. Anyway clown guy claims the bike is registered to his wife who won't be home till that night...
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    Hello, new rider from Mississauga

    Hello everyone. I'm looking to get riding this year, once the jet stream heads north of us. Got my M1 a couple days ago, signed up for MTOhp course in April. Also bought a bike, a 1979 Honda Twinstar, but am having some registration issues which I'll make a separate thread for in the law section...

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