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    5-7 day road trip ideas / tips / routes

    Wicked wicked. Keep em coming. I'm going map all these out and see which route we can both agree on. Anyone done a ride to Nova Scotia? Interesting at all? Thoughts?
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    5-7 day road trip ideas / tips / routes

    Thanks for the tip, but we're looking for a trip that will have us on the road for 5-7 days. Any suggestions?
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    5-7 day road trip ideas / tips / routes

    Hey guys, I'm planning on a road trip with my pops for this summer. Based on the requirements below, anyone have suggestions or routes? We're open to anything that's fun. He's on a cruiser and i'm on a sport bike. This will be my last year riding for a little while, so I'd like a really fun and...
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    Designing a WEBSITE? Newbie needs help!!

    - Dreamweaver has a few templates you can start on, but their pretty basic. - Depending on what you want your site to do, you might be better off with a CMS or something pre-built - The free/opensource code editors are fine, if you know how to write HTML/PHP/JS, etc - You don't need dreamweaver...
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    So...has anyone called it quits for the season yet? I'm thinking of putting it away early/mid November.
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    Great deal on a great Battery Tender at Canadian Tire!

    I got this last year for $46.99 (in early November). It works great for both bikes and all our cars. Charges and maintains. No issues so far.
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    Olds Cool... Post-up Pics of your 10 year or older bike!

    Probably not. I don't think I ever rode around that area.
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    Olds Cool... Post-up Pics of your 10 year or older bike!

    My 1996 F3 and my Dad's 1982 XS400
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    May 24 week trip - Any suggestions?

    How much do guest rooms/hostels cost there? I just checked flights, and its a little more $ compared to Costa Rica - I don't mind, but I am on a budget. My last trip was to Asia. We stayed at hostels (in Cambodia) that cost $3 a night :laughing8: breakfast, lunch and dinner didn't cost more...
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    Congrads on the new bike! Can't wait to see it.
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    May 24 week trip - Any suggestions?

    Spain would be nice... going to look into that too. Thanks!
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    May 24 week trip - Any suggestions?

    Right now my gf an I are thinking of Costa Rica (back packing it). Any other countries we can visit? We want hot weather, beaches, and places to go/see.
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    Wiring LED plate bolts

    I'm not using mine. I bought it and never installed it. Anyone want it? $10 and its yours. PM ME
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    What happened to yesterday's ride? I fueled up at Major Mac and Woody shell, and waited for 10 minutes. No1 showed up, so I headed for the gym instead :laughing8:
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    Yup.. looks like temps will be dropping to 7 degrees by the time we take off.
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    The shop had my bike for a week! They did a carb clean/tune/sync, new rear pads & rebuilt rear caliper. My rear brake still makes a funny noise/vibrates the pedal once in a while :( Otherwise, she's running great! Really, really good throttle response now :D Yes, I'm going to try to make it...
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    Jamie, I like the new handle :laughing8:
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    LOL. nothings wrong with it...just confirming :D:D I dropped it off at Z1 Cycletech for a full check-up (carbs, brakes, valves, etc. etc) I'm at 35,000 kms now and thought it might be a good idea to give it a once over.
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    My bikes at the shop :( Dropped it off today. mean 12pm?!
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    Richmond Hill riders?

    Sorry couldn't make it out guys. I ended up going to Niagara to pick up a bike with my dad (for my dad). He needed it help loading it on the truck, etc. Hopefully Ill be able to make it out Tuesday, although 6pm is early for me. I don't get home till 6 :(
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