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  1. S

    Where to get shims, without getting a kit?

    Sure. I got Hot Cams:
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    Where to get shims, without getting a kit?

    Makes me wonder what they charge for the full job. But yeah, that was definitely the part-only price.
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    Where to get shims, without getting a kit?

    I called. They want $9.75 per shim. I was hoping for a reasonable price.
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    Where to get shims, without getting a kit?

    I'm doing my valve adjustment and need the following 7.48mm shims: 4x 2.40mm 2x 2.35mm Looking online it seems my best option is an entire kit, or ordering from the US (and paying 3x the cost of the shims for shipping). *update*: eBay to the rescue. Why is so damn hard/expensive to buy...
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    120v welders

    To be quite honest the ESA is pretty corrupt. The retired electrician I speak of was the lead for Pacific Mall way back when. He did the work in my old house and called the ESA agent to come and slap a sticker on the box...and the agent did just that. Didn't check a single outlet. Same goes...
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    120v welders

    @nobbie48 thanks for the info! I absolutely will not do more than .125"....for now. I would only be welding light-duty stuff, but I also don't like buying things twice. If it means I have to wait a year to get a more expensive (capable) tool, I will. I'm almost positive I have 100A service...
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    120v welders

    Thanks, that makes good sense to me. So really my best option would be have a subpanel installed in the garage to control when/how I want a 50A or 30A installed. Seems like a much better solution than running the plugs directly to the main panel inside the house. This gives me a lot to think...
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    120v welders

    Really no need for that. I'm here asking so it doesn't end up on YouTube. :cautious:
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    120v welders

    What thickness and type of metal did you try it on? I'm not looking to weld anything that would need super strength or anything. The idea of buying a welder came to mind when I saw a fork spring compressor listed for almost $300 on F9 (racetech?). The design is so basic I figured I could rig...
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    120v welders

    I'm reading about this an a little confused. If the welder supposed to be rated for 50A in order to be safely used on 50A rated wire and breaker? I'm reading that a welder rated for, say 30A, could potentially caused problems (fire) if run on a 50A breaker because the breaker won't trip when...
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    120v welders

    I'm thinking about getting a 120v welder to learn on. I've done some research and it seems a MIG welder is probably my best best, since I have no experience whatsoever. I would be using for hobbies and possibly minor repairs and small projects. I'm looking at the ones that run off a standard...
  12. S

    Struggling financially and getting frustrated?

    Yes, if it were 4-6 months ago when I really needed help with cement boards, bathrooms, tiles, kitchen cabinets, doors, etc. The hard stuff is done. Just painting now. I ******* hate doing doors (framing, hanging, etc)
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    Struggling financially and getting frustrated?

    We recently bought a 1M semi detached house in leslieville. We put about $100k into a complete gut/reno job. $50k of the $100k was paid to trades people for heavy work, and the other $50k was DIY by me. Hire your own trades people and save a ton of money. Learn the trades and save all your...
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    Speed Camera fines now in effect

    Wonder how they plan to ticket e-bikes/assisted bikes doing 50/60 in 30/40 zones.
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    Couch shopping for a new bike

    Overpriced, but... Got my 2015 Rx at 1,200km for $9,500 in 2017. Good power, reliable, relatively comfortable, and it sounds really, really good. Someone mentioned the lack of windscreen, and...
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    Insurance quote help

    Thanks for the explanation. I ended up switching insurance companies and saving a little over $1,100/year. I'm switching from All state to Desjardins. The rates with Desjardin were really good - worth me switching even though my policy recently renewed. I'm now paying $65/mth (from $120) for...
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    Insurance quote help

    I have no idea what Family Protection Coverage is... I'm going to call the representative I'm dealing with shortly, but just want to gather some input/opinions before I do. I'm planning to move both my car and bike. Bike is a '15 Street Triple Rx, which gets ridden about 3,000 - 4,000 km a...
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    Insurance quote help

    My insurance policy renewed in June, but I've decided the savings from switching may be worth cancelling with my current provider. I don't quite understand all the bells and whistles that come with various insurance packages, so I'm wondering if there is any opportunity to save some money but...
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    2019 Renewal - Increase? Allstate? Is this a joke?

    Just got my renewal notice in the mail (allstate). I have clean record. House: up $45 or so /mth. Now paying just under $120/mth for a 780sqft bungalow. no claims. ever. Car: this also makes no sense to me. Was paying $1,650 for the VW when I had two cars insured...then it increased when I...
  20. S

    2019 Ontario GTA Photo Tag

    sigh...should have read the rules
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