Lots of good advice above. I just upgraded from a 250 and can say that if your nerves are bad now, definitely get a friend to ride it home for you. Then practice in a parking lot until you're comfortable to start on streets. Definitely take a course and try not to think too much about it and...
I called the two numbers on their site last year and left voicemail messages hoping to rent a 250 for my M2 exit, but I never got a call back. Glad I dodged that bullet.
I know I said I'd upload it last night, but I didn't get home until really late and had to try to squeeze in some sleep for work this morning. I'll post it tonight when I get home. :]
Hope you had a good birthday Jess! Happy (early) birthday Juan!
lol you totally turned your head on purpose... :snorting: and hey! I didn't have to 2 up after all. We found an SV650 from a friend who's out of the country right now.
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