Search results

  1. theshnizzle

    Temporary insurance for visitor from Germany...possible?

    We have a uncle visiting us for 6 months from Germany. He would like a motorcycle to ride while he is here and we happen to have a DRZ400 available. Is it advisable to put insurance under the bfs name but have uncle ride it? Would the insurance company let temp insurance be put on the bike under...
  2. theshnizzle

    Looking for mature sportbike riders in markham/stouffville/whitby etc area

    I have box seats for the supercross!! Booyah! ! As for the OP.....get a group of guys all on sportbike and it IS a pissing contest. When I was a nOOb, I went on a couple of group rides and hated it. There was to much going on and I felt like my attention wasn't focused enough on me. Over the...
  3. theshnizzle

    Renewal Suprize

    Hey froglet, what's happening!? My insurance on my 2012 triumph street triple R went from 537 to 609 full coverage. My hayabusa went from 1004 to 1495 liability only. My 4 cars went down. My house insurance went up about 50 bucks. 55 year old female, M since around 1987, no claims, no...
  4. theshnizzle

    GP bikes tech killed on his bike, thanksgiving monday

    After typing that title, I really don't know what else to say.......RIP . You were a really super guy, always smiling, always so helpful......I'm terribly, terribly sad.
  5. theshnizzle

    L/F a shop for paint OR body wrap.

    Any recommendations? Going from red to yellow/black. I may have a complete set of bodywork(extra) to have done. I was originally thinking of painting my extra set but doing a wrap is probably more cost efficient. and, no , I don't want to rattle can it or wrap it myself. I want it to look...
  6. theshnizzle

    Riding down to Mexico in april

    I THATis a big sammich. That was at a little mom and pop diner in TN just before I hit the gap one year. It was an epic meal. Afterwards I think I fell into the biggest food coma ever. Just shifting gears seemed to take colossal effort. I have been doing a fair amount of research about riding...
  7. theshnizzle

    Riding down to Mexico in april

    In 2011 I flipped a coin to see if I would ride north or South. North won and I ended up in alaska Now it's time to ride south, so I am heading for approx. A months ride to Mexico. I plan to spend at least 13 days just riding around down there. It will take a while to get there but I don't ship...
  8. theshnizzle

    Any Peterborough riders out there?

    Ok, so we have determined we have quite a few riders in our area all looking to meet up and or ride or at least hang out at a Tim's. I agree that the new Tim's by the Costco would be a good start meetup,even though I hate their coffee. we should maybe do a WEd nite as it seems EVERY other...
  9. theshnizzle

    How packed is Deal's Gap during the weekend of Canada Day?

    Really? I have never been nicked on the BRP.I love the brp but I do it either before or after the school term. Less caravans and such. You do the blue ridge for the senic calmness but for thrills and chills just pick pretty much any road off the blue. I have hit some AMAZING twisties just...
  10. theshnizzle

    Looking for Fast Riders

    You people are unbelievable. What a bunch of numpteys.
  11. theshnizzle

    Ladie's 5'4 and under and an SS

    what the eff kind of advice is this? No one should lower their bike? WTF??? Get a cruiser instead?? I don't even know where to start with that statement.
  12. theshnizzle

    Anybody with a Sport-Touring Motorcycle that Tours?

    my first busa came with a Corbin with a passenger seat and backrest. Man, it was HEAVY. And yes, it was very wide and not at all comfortable. Sold. I used a Alaskan sheepskin on my trip and I am not sure I loved it or not or if it made the seat better or worse. I always found the stock seat very...
  13. theshnizzle

    Epic trip to Alaska/Yukon completed ,...Woo Hoo!!!!

    Thanks all! I have started compiling my ride report,stay tuned.....
  14. theshnizzle

    Anybody with a Sport-Touring Motorcycle that Tours?

    See my post....trip to Alaska. Theres sport-touring for ya. Lived out of the back of the busa for a month. Not a single mechanical issue with the bike in over 15,000 kilometers. I am on my 3rd busa now, I buy them and mile them up. I have logged thousands of k on my busa's in...
  15. theshnizzle

    Epic trip to Alaska/Yukon completed ,...Woo Hoo!!!!

    Actually, it didn't at all. I am not that big rememberand I only felt it a little bit when I sat straight up in the seat. In a normal riding position, it was un noticable. I ran it empty until I got to the more fuel-less sections of my trip.then I filled it,at the most expensive gas station of...
  16. theshnizzle

    Epic trip to Alaska/Yukon completed ,...Woo Hoo!!!!

    Before I forget, the 2 side bags are 41 liters the topbox,55 liters. I carried a 20 litre drybag on top with stuff I didn't use every day. extra hoodie,microfibre,camp towel, and the like. All my camping kit,and clothes, plus toiletries,cooker, flashlights, utilities ect,dehydrated meals, are in...
  17. theshnizzle

    Epic trip to Alaska/Yukon completed ,...Woo Hoo!!!!

    I will have to agree,I was lucky. Riding the TOW, I didn't even reduce my psi,which would have helped but I was just grimly hanging on and waiting for the end. But I know what the limits of rider and machine are and I stayed within them. After alll, there is no one around to help me pick up the...
  18. theshnizzle

    Epic trip to Alaska/Yukon completed ,...Woo Hoo!!!!

    I have managed to grab a couple of teaser pics for you......... This is the bike setup. A metal flat plate was made to accept a Givi plate and topbox. Then a extra beefy peice was added to hold the fuel cell., a kolpin/rotopax. Good for about half a tank. I carried my tarp poles on the inside...
  19. theshnizzle

    Epic trip to Alaska/Yukon completed ,...Woo Hoo!!!!

    Just a quick post before I do a full ride report. After almost a month on the road,by myself,the trip is done. The bike performed magnificantly the operator almost as well....LOL. No mechanical mishaps,tipovers or flat tires. Travelling in the far north is an epic experience,so wild and...
  20. theshnizzle

    Leaving for Alaska,right now......

    i am aware of the challenges of the dempster. thats why i will wait to get up there and get immediate road reports. if its in any way dicey, there are lots of other roads to ride. the trip has certainly presented its own challenges o far. even with 2 rainsuits on and my tech washed oylipia gear...
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