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  1. W

    Has the city lost it's mind...

    I don't think that more policing will help. In all of the stories mentioned, the attacks would not be stopped by more police unless there is an officer on every corner and on every bus, street car, subway, etc. Also the suspect is apprehended in every story so it seems like the police are doing...
  2. W

    Harley Davidson X350RA

    The street 500 wasn't very long ago. I wonder why they think this will sell? I don't think problem with the street 500 was that the engine was too big and people wanted china quality instead of India quality. I'm a Harley guy and if I were in the market for a 350 naked, I don't think Harley...
  3. W

    M2 | Age 28 | Ottawa Residence | First Bike advise

    I guess once you go cruiser you don't go back? Not that I'm a rebel fan (though I've never ridden one either to be fair) but why can't someone ride different bikes after after learning on a Rebel?
  4. W

    M2 | Age 28 | Ottawa Residence | First Bike advise

    I started on a 250 Ninja. These small bikes can go on the highway but it's not enjoyable. When you take your trips to the GTA I would plan your trip to avoid highways as much as possible. It will be more fun anyway. I feel safer in traffic when I have the option to accelerate out of trouble...
  5. W

    Helmets on a plane??

    The x-ray machine picked it up. The guy thought there was something sewn into my jacket (drugs i'd guess?) and was going over all of the doubled up kevlar panel areas. He gave me a weird look when I said the jacket was kevlar, then once I said motorcycle I was on my way. It was at Pearson so his...
  6. W

    Any shops that will safety a hardtailed bike?

    I don't have the info handy but I talked to an insurance broker near Ottawa that specialized in custom motorcycles. He indicated that he would likely be able to get coverage for my electric conversion but said I'd likely need to move my home/other vehicles to make it worth it. If you have...
  7. W

    Helmets on a plane??

    Always have carried it as a personal item. Usually a backpack for my carry on. Gloves go inside helmet and I wear a plaid motorcycle jacket that looks casual. Fun fact: wearing something with kevlar panels sewn-in will freak out the people at the body scanner.
  8. W

    Moral Dilemma - Online Purchase

    I'd hold on to it for a few months and then keep it if no one reaches out. Even if it was a mom'n'pop I probably would.
  9. W

    Moral Dilemma - Online Purchase

    I would sit on it for a few months to see if they reached out or tried to bill me then keep. I assume that the very large online retailer is amazon but I would likely even do this to a local business. I'm just greedy.
  10. W

    Lisbon Day Trip

    So my wife's friend is in Cascais which is where I am going to get the bike. My plan was to ride the longer coastal road to Sintra, maybe explore some of the little windy roads along the way (to something like Cabo de Roca as recommended by Starship) then go down through Lisbon (which I will...
  11. W

    Lisbon Day Trip

    We are going to take a car to Porto. The wife doesn't ride and it will be February so it will be cold. She would be wanting a direct route at a slow speed. I would have to rent a bike large enough to carry both of us and our luguage. I've learned from a few cold trips that I'm better off just...
  12. W

    Lisbon Day Trip

    Hello all, I'm heading to Portugal with my wife in February and have rented an RE Himalayan for a day in Lisbon (might make it 2) while my wife socializes with a friend. Currently thinking I will ride up to Sintra then maybe just back to Lisbon to tour around the city. Is anyone familiar with...
  13. W

    So it's that time again....winter pasttimes?

    I'm trying to be more strategic now. I was buying sets and my girls had no interest in the instructions. They just want to build their own designs. I'd be rebuilding their sets at night just for them to wake up and tear them apart to make their own. Now I just try for small sets with people...
  14. W

    Nuclear fusion

    Curious if in the days researching fission if they were as optimistic about it being safe. If it doesn't exist yet how can anyone say that it is safer, cleaner, endless power. Obviously the researchers aren't going to promote the possibility of the technology causing it's version of a meltdown...
  15. W

    Anyone know how I managed to do this?

    running lean
  16. W

    Fleetwood Mac

    I remember hopping into my Grandpa's buick le saber and him throwing on his Rumors cassette. Absolute outrage when he found out that my parents had not introduced me to their music. Rumors was one of the last CDs I ever purchased. Great band.
  17. W

    Totally off topic: Anyone interested in a group purchase of LifePo4 cells?

    $400. I was told it was off of a Ottawa transit bus. I think it was from a Hybrid bus.
  18. W

    Ugly Christmas Sweater Time

    I miss the days of ugly Christmas sweater parties before it became commercialized. Ugly christmas sweaters used to be ugly sweaters that were given to people by grandmas at christmas time. If you don't get ugly sweaters from your Grandma then you could go to value village and find an old knit...
  19. W

    Totally off topic: Anyone interested in a group purchase of LifePo4 cells?

    I've only built the one battery but had to do allot of reading. more cells on your BMS is for going more in series which will give you higher voltage. The more in parallel will give you AH. When cells are in parallel they are constantly balanced with each other. If the +'s and -'s are all tied...
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