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  1. W

    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

    The girl had noticed there was someone in the passenger seat and went back to her friend's car. The guy got out of the passenger seat and shot up the car full of cheerleaders. Absolutely insane.
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    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly..... Or if you accidentally try to get into a wrong car that looks like yours after cheerleader practice.
  3. W

    But will I die? (static vs dynamic balancing your tires)

    I can send one of my kids over if you need some muscle this time
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    More than 120,000 federal public servants across Canada, has voted in favour of a strike

    They contracted out the arrive can app. That managed to grow to $56M. I don't think that we should be encouraging them to contract out more. or contracting the administering of 20,000 scholarships to WE for $19.5M
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    More than 120,000 federal public servants across Canada, has voted in favour of a strike

    Just saw a headline about all of the public servants working from home that now have to get dressed and hit the picket line. HA HA HA
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    French Fries

    McDonald's is the best if they're crispy. Too often I end up getting limp fries though. The best McDonalds are in Europe. I always make a point of visiting when I'm in Europe. Swiss Chalet is gross unless you soak them in sauce or are 70 years old. Chip trucks are hit and miss. Should be...
  7. W

    Return to office

    So does your company have 326% more output from it's workforce or do you need 212 people to perform the work of 65? My guess is somewhere in the middle. I've never heard of a company whose goal is to employ as many people as possible.
  8. W

    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

    I have a toronto firefighter and a peel paramedic in the family. The level of knowledge is not even in the same ballpark. The firefighter has all the confidence in the world because he took a couple classes. The paramedic had to take other college courses before he could even get excepted into...
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    Remember that once you do get the motorcycle that the commute time becomes therapy time. Keep your eye on the prize. Edit: I never ride downtown. Your commute may not be as therapeutic as mine.
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    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

    of the 9514 calls, how many needed a firefighter? maybe cut down on the firefighters and fund some more ambulances.
  11. W

    3d printing motorcycle parts

    The problem is that there are still layers. The layers just separate. Sometimes you can print something on it's side to get the layers facing in a direction that they won't shear as easy but it's always going to be weaker then solid molded plastic.
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    Canada post rant

    Canada post is great. Sent some weed to Portugal for my last vacation. Cost me 1 stamp and it made it to the hotel before I did. A+
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    3d printing motorcycle parts

    I'm usually printing 65-90% infill with PETG. If you are doing something solid its like strong, but there is no flex, so if you press on your air intake, that is hollow, it will snap not bend. Also, if you are going to take the time to print something like that, I would move on from PLA as it...
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    3d printing motorcycle parts

    I did a few parts for my electric bike. New fork seal caps, bezel to fit amazon speedo into v-star tank, etc. I find 3d printed parts to be pretty brittle so try to stay away from anything that requires strength.
  15. W

    Getting Ontario registration for 'custom' motorcycle

    I'm very impressed with your progress. I 100% did not think a motorcycle in Ontario could have a rebuilt title. Keep posting. I've looked for similar info in the past and I don't think it's on the internet.
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    SVB Bank Collapse in the US

    I'm not an expert in this subject and have no opinion but have been fallowing the conversation here. I'm curious, is your bank stock in the higher regulated Canadian banks or in the less regulated US banks?
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    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    The quality issues were that a robot was out of calibration and was applying bad welds. This is the same reason that the company who built the bus batteries that I used for my V-Star conversion went out of business. (they couldn't afford the rework costs that GM and LG were able to afford) Not...
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    Crappy virus going around

    I can confirm these facts. I am definitely guilty of being a finger licker and a Harley rider.
  19. W

    What Podcasts are you listening to?

    I'm a CBC radio addict so I listen to allot of the podcasts as well to catch up. They have some good true crime investigations that brought me to the podcasts to hear the ending. Also Ontario Today can be entertaining, especially when the topic is political (People from all over Ontario call in...
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    Suggestion for a wider helmet

    I'd heard in the past that Bell made a more round helmet. It seems like I often see mixed info on helmet shapes. In the end I know that I'm going to have to try a bunch on but I appreciate the direction. Maybe I'll only try on 50 helmets instead of 100
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