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  1. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Go figure the parts I ordered last, get delivered before the parts I ordered a week before. LOL Just hoping my reaction rod comes in before the weekend, I don't want to put this billet upper in my clam shell upper vise block. Starting to buy more proper...
  2. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Ya Ive tried other people Glocks without kits, more of a do it yourself modifying/polishing with springs and a connector, that were almost as good as my expensive kits. Overtravel stop mod makes a huge difference, the one I saw was a set screw added for...
  3. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? Cool, I wonder why they don't make a complete kit, and you have to mix and match other brands. I have ZEV's Ultimate trigger kits, so they came with everything ready to drop in, including the trigger housing. Id like to feel one, I like the look of...
  4. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? PS What trigger kit do you have in your 17?
  5. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    Wasnt really suggesting what I have to you, was just saying yes 9mm is cheaper and just as fun, so since I only shoot restricteds currently thats what I did, it worked out best for my needs. However Im not sure the cost or style of that Marlin rifle you talk mention, but there are a few NR 9mm...
  6. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? I also have 3 Glock pistols with 3lbs triggers in all of them, and all of my AR's have 3-3.5 lbs triggers in them ....The only gun I own that has a trigger over 3.5lbs is my KRISS Vector, and thats only because I cant find a trigger kit for it....Its...
  7. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    I shoot 9mm the most, so my last project was a 9mm AR15 I assembeled, 5.5" barrel and uses 10rd glock mags that I share from my pistols. Great setup for me since I alseady have tons of glock mags
  8. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    I feel your pain, .308 is my next caliber I'd like to add to my collection
  9. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    Love .45 but its an expensive diet plan
  10. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? but its not cheap! at $399, there are cheaper options but they never have them in stock Its nicer then I expected though, because on their site they have pictures of the older version, but what I got is their new redesigned billet cage...
  11. JohnnyP636

    Post A Picture Of Your Latest Purchase

    2 .45's good work!
  12. JohnnyP636

    We Know you Ride, But do you Shoot?

    Re: We know you ride, but do you Shoot? F her BS! “Once they have . . . a licence they can buy as many guns as they want,” After reading that article I feel like buying another pistol! Maybe another AR15, maybe one of I should have lots of new toys to play with in the next week...
  13. JohnnyP636

    Learning to wheelie...

    I should probably start off by telling you the first bike I owned was an 01 R6, and it was also the bike I learned wheelies on, and it was also the wheelies that caused me to write that bike off completely....LOL Probably one of the biggest mistakes in my motorcycling career, was making a single...
  14. JohnnyP636

    Cage question

    Very popular brand, when I was in Cali it was like 9/10 bikes there running Impacktech. And not just your average stunters, but big name professionals like KrazyKyle, Jason Britton, Tony Carbajal, etc Almost the same here, me and most of the guys I ride with used to use TygerShark, but they...
  15. JohnnyP636

    Learning to wheelie...

    Id personally try to master 1st more before moving onto 2nd, if you can pop up 1st right to balance point or close to it and carry all of 1st pretty smoothly, then Id say its time for 2nd.. 2nd is going to let you go a lot faster! good and bad, longer wheelies usually and smoother throttle, but...
  16. JohnnyP636

    zx6r elelctrcal problem (dash on the fritz)

    Happens all the time with the 03/04 ZX6R I have maybe 4-5 gauges from that generation that flicker on/off Its a loose connection at the back of the guage where harness plugs in usually
  17. JohnnyP636

    Keihin FCR39 in a DRZ

    Unless your racing, and or have other pretty serious engine mods I don't think it would be worth the money, that or if just have bike part buying problem like me.... My engine in my CRF50 is worth about $4000-5000 so a $800 carb kit isnt really out of place on it, and a FCR would be way too...
  18. JohnnyP636

    Keihin FCR39 in a DRZ

    I dont have experience with your specific application, but I did a FCR28 downdraft pumper conversion on my CRF50 many years ago. My kit cost around $800, but included the correct, cables, manifold and jetting for my 124cc bore kit. Basically a bolt on with a little tuning...There were many...
  19. JohnnyP636

    Cage question

    I took a look at their website and IMO they clearly knock off Impaktechs designs So I personally would not spend a penny with them for that reason alone, Id buy an Impaktech since they are the same price New breed cage 2013+ ZX6R Impaktech 2013 Zx6R cage Also last year I went to Cali and...
  20. JohnnyP636

    Rubber bumper, gsxr 600 k9

    As for location they just press right into holes in your frame
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