Every one forgets to cancel - get in the habit of hitting the button after every turn and you are golden. I hit mine all the time even though my signals are self cancelling...LOL
My problem is leaving the key in the ignition...lights on and stopping for lunch. I leave the stand down and wonder...
I did not get anyone's permission to post their faces on the internet. So to protect their right to privacy no faces were shown. (especially the lady riders). Now there is no reason to remove the photos from the post. Everyone who was there knows who they are. I'll send any participant of...
Great ride, thanks leader, sweeper and everone in between who made this a safe - almost last ride of the season. Nice meeting everyone.
(You knew if I posted, it would include pictures right?)
I'm glad you like the pics...it's just and point and shoot.
It was an awesome ride for November 11th. (I don't think it was 16 degrees up there though).
I was the slowest in the group...That tank of mine just doesn't like wet corners. I slipped about 4 times and decided to take it...
So yet another enjoyable "Hookey Ride".... It went something like this....
Great ride, good friends and good times...
After a brief meeting at Tim's - discussing hand signals and the basics of safe group riding, Alex and I headed outside into some light drizzle. Aaarrrrgggghhhhh! .....but the...
Great ride, good friends and good times...
After a brief meeting at Tim's - discussing hand signals and the basics of safe group riding, Alex and I headed outside into some light drizzle. Aaarrrrgggghhhhh! .....but the sky showed blue and the weatherman promised 16 degrees - So off to the...
I have been looking at this thread and love riding with mature riders that ride with common sense etc.
I fit the age demographic - but have a small problem though - I ride a cruiser....
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