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  1. Concours Guy

    Looking for relatively new riders in Scarborough/Markham

    I took your sage advice and watched a group riding video which echoed something that resonated with me: Ride your own ride. Riding to Mono today, it was just about a mystic realization... When I got back into riding in 2017 on a 2002 Ninja 600 ZXR I would go out with my hothead neighbour and...
  2. Concours Guy

    New to the group but been browsing for a while..

    My first bike got stolen way back in the day (1993). It was definitely nice to have comprehensive at the time, for what it's worth. Then again, like another member on the site commented, insurance was dirt cheap back then. I'm no expert with claims, but a deductible might be a difficult...
  3. Concours Guy

    New to the group but been browsing for a while..

    Have had great experiences with Fortnine. Revzilla is good but I think I got dinged for duties once.
  4. Concours Guy

    Decent Article - Why We Ride

    For sure! I'm also a returning rider and glad to see the wave is still in place.
  5. Concours Guy

    Looking for relatively new riders in Scarborough/Markham

    Ok, so how about meet for coffee somewhere in the east end/Beaches. Saturday afternoon, say 2pm? I don't know the area too well, so if someone proposes something that's fine by me. Maybe even a quick boot in town? But def plan something long distance for later.
  6. Concours Guy

    Looking for relatively new riders in Scarborough/Markham

    Whoops, did I mispost?
  7. Concours Guy

    Looking for relatively new riders in Scarborough/Markham

    OK, so let's kick this pig! A beginner's ride, but what does it look like? I'll organize to the best of my ability, but I'm hoping others will chime in.
  8. Concours Guy

    Hi I'm Marco

    I would stick with the 300's. Many Ninjas age gracefully, but at the end of the day it's an eight year old bike. Wondering how many owners with whom it's been passed around...?
  9. Concours Guy

    Introduction\New User\Daljeet Singh

    Congratulations on your M1 bro... This is one place where the Interweb isn't always the best place to buy a product such as a helmet. In the last few years it looks like there is a ton of awful helmets on the market which are wildly cheap, which should be avoided like the proverbial plague...
  10. Concours Guy

    Complete beginner getting Bmw s1000RR as first bike?

    Glad to hear it! Another piece here is that your preferred ride will probably change over time. Sport to cruiser to touring... who knows. At 47 I couldn't handle the Ninja ZXR 6 I bought 3 years ago... too cramped.... much happier on a sport tourer. I'm definitely not 16 anymore!
  11. Concours Guy

    Looking for relatively new riders in Scarborough/Markham

    You were right re. radar...,to%20cross%20the%20Credit%20River.
  12. Concours Guy

    Looking for relatively new riders in Scarborough/Markham

    Ok, how about next Saturday or Sunday, July 4 and 5. But are Canada Day celebrations being pushed up to then? Does it matter to anyone? How about the Forks of the Credit? I haven't been riding there since the 1980's, but I remember the twisties being tons of fun when I was young and very...
  13. Concours Guy

    Loud and proud?

    Does anyone remember a 'movement' in the 90's among bikers that actually promoted stock/quiet exhausts? I'm trying to remember the name, it was something like the Stealth Society... I remember it's motto was "Sworn to Silence." I think the logo looked something like that dreadful Bad Boy Club...
  14. Concours Guy

    Loud and proud?

    In my neighborhood I'm more ****** about the wankers who put a modified exhaust on their POS Honda Civic with the massive spoiler. Then they add more decibels with the sound system that takes up the volume of their trunk whose power is measured in horsepower rather than watts. But, yeah...
  15. Concours Guy

    Mid-life crisis bike?

    Loved the third pic the best! As Cheech might have said in 'Up in Smoke'... Holy sheepshit... love the orange/black contrast. That is one tricked out Concours... so nice that you are giving it mucho love!
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