This BS carbon tax is one of the most brilliant government revenue generation schemes in a long time...since the dawn of the traffic cop. That being said....we are all royally screwed. Thank you to those of you who voted in wynn and trudeau....not many better choices but come on! This is whats...
im guessing there is also some kind of MAP sensor on the throttle bodies somewhere that runs the A/F map for the ecu. That could be checked to. OR it could be some wire in the harness that happens to vibrate loose at that rpm?....then you're SOL :P
This thread is ridiculous and funny to read. I can only imagine how many pm's shes got ( assuming shes a she or all you guys are getting catfished haha! ). keep it going!
How come black lives dont matter for this? I've never ever heard a BLM supporter talk about these kids and condemn the mother who cut their throats. Guess this one does not count...
Hey do any of you guys know someone selling a set of leathers. I'm trying to get back in to track riding after a few years. I'm kind of a odd ball size though 6'1 and 170. I've tried on many of the american made suits but they are all too baggy for the correct height and the euro made suits fit...
Ya thats kind of what i thought....not too much going on jdm wise. I remember nuak had a few nice cbrs and a real nice green zxr250 but those days are gone haha! Not looking for a first bike but just a ride once a month type deal.
Im looking for one of those old school 4cyl 250's....cbr250rr or zxr 250. I know there used to be a place in scarb called nuak. Anybody know anywhere else?
Hey all i'm looking to get back in to track riding next summer. Years ago it was hard to find a suit that fit well. I'm 6'2 and 180. Not super skinny but just enough for most suits to fit like a wind breaker. Are there any custom places in ontario to get one made or any other companies that make...
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