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  1. W

    door hit in private parking lot.

    Same thing happened to my friend in a Go Station parking lot. Needless to say the other lady wouldn't hand over insurance information. Police was called and they said that she didn't need to provide any insurance information since both cars were stationary!
  2. W

    who's still riding? (in toronto)

    My street is still snow and ice covered. I'm taking the bike out as soon as the street is clear and it's > 0 degrees! This has been a terrible winter. I rode in December, January, and February of last year! :(
  3. W

    State Farm Playing A Game, Please Chime In I Need EDUCATED Answers.

    How's your record though? I believe you need to have a spotless record to be eligible for the A plan.
  4. W

    State Farm Playing A Game, Please Chime In I Need EDUCATED Answers.

    Very interesting... And all 3 of you don't have any other services with State Farm? I was told that my bike's premium would drop by nearly 50% once I add a car to my policy (i.e. moves me from a B plan to an A plan with State Farm).
  5. W

    0.2 or 1M liability?

    Yamaha R1 vs. deer
  6. W

    0.2 or 1M liability?

    Like others have said, the increase/decrease in liability doesn't change your premium much. Imagine this, you hit a 30 year old office admin who makes $30,000 per year and he/she loses the use of their hands. Just to replace their income you'd need 1.05 million (35 years * 30,000 per year). Now...
  7. W

    Wife had an accident on 4 wheels - question for the insurance guys / gals

    That was my experience a few years ago. The adjuster said that it made no difference if I claimed or not as my driving record was already impacted just because they were informed of the accident.
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    Purchasing motorcycle in dead of winter

    Lots of people start their bikes up during the winter, don't see why it would be a problem. Heck I've taken my bike out in 0 degrees, 4 degrees, etc... Just don't rev the engine when it's cold. If he had said it was winterized, I'd believe that more but he can unwinterize it if you're a serious...
  9. W

    Wife had an accident on 4 wheels - question for the insurance guys / gals

    It's because it was not at fault. If it was at fault, the situation would be completely different. Your record would be negatively impacted as soon as the insurance company found out about the accident, regardless of filing a claim or not.
  10. W

    Wife had an accident on 4 wheels - question for the insurance guys / gals

    My experience has been that the insurance company will find out once a police report has been filed. The insurance company will send you a letter in a few months asking if you want to file a claim. The impact to your premium will be the same regardless of whether you file a claim or not since...
  11. W

    who's still riding? (in toronto)

    I've stopped riding... For those of you still riding, careful on Finch between Victoria Park and Don Mills heading west, there's ice. People were falling, abs kicking in, etc...
  12. W

    Black sports bike down on Yonge @ Finch - November 15th, 10:30pm

    Was passing by the area and saw a black sports bike on its side on yonge at finch, in the south bound lanes. There was another person with a white r6 parked on the side of the road. Didn't see any other riders, no ambulance either. Just a bunch of police cars blocking that stretch of yonge...
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