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  1. Wingboy

    Emotional and mental health aspects of aging

    Good thread. It's not easy to keep your mental health in a good place as we get older. Physical limitations, retirement and dealing with grief can be very difficult especially if you are alone. Keep up the positive input.
  2. Wingboy

    Site Suggestion - include feature for user options to ignore/block forums

    CSM rules from ADVRider The CS&M Forum Rules: Just like politics, religion, and finances are not polite to raise at dinner, they also are topics that should not be raised in other forums. The "Church, State & Money" forum is here specifically for those discussions. Keeping in mind the subject...
  3. Wingboy

    Picture thread

    Another quality pic by B. Last nite on Hemlock Hill Dr just east of Hawkesville.
  4. Wingboy

    Picture thread

    Three Bridges Road West of St Jacobs.
  5. Wingboy

    Picture thread

  6. Wingboy


    I try to tip with cash.
  7. Wingboy

    Time for a new ride... (ideas welcome!)

    At least it's about motorcycles.
  8. Wingboy

    Time for a new ride... (ideas welcome!)

    Check out the Schedule on our website. There are a bunch of places not too far from Hamilton. Mostly trials tho. We have a competition Oct 6th in Troy. Feel free to pm for any more info.
  9. Wingboy

    Time for a new ride... (ideas welcome!)

    Any interest in pure dirt?
  10. Wingboy

    The Bad Riders of Ontario Thread

    500 twin in Waterloo. Maybe a Kawi. I've seen it many times this year. No plate, no lights whatsoever. Runs reds, stop signs always filters to the front. How has this one never been caught?
  11. Wingboy

    What did you do in your garage today..?

    Cleaned the brake pads and rotors on the Dragonfly. The last trial at Simcoe had a lot of very steep downhill grades. These are the best brakes i have ever had on any bike. The next trial at Troy will probably have a lot of mud. I'll need good brakes.
  12. Wingboy

    Winter Motorcycle Plans?

    Colin at Apex has a collection of odd bikes that don't get advertised.
  13. Wingboy

    Picture thread

    Fall is here. Just a few pics from our Ural ride yesterday. Pics by B Share your fall ride pics!
  14. Wingboy

    Winter Motorcycle Plans?

    When i think about the dollars per fun spent at the track vs the dirt.... The dirt makes perfect sense. Esp with trials.
  15. Wingboy

    Site Suggestion - include feature for user options to ignore/block forums

    It is everybody's sandbox. Without the people, it is nothing.
  16. Wingboy

    Winter Motorcycle Plans?

    I need to find deeper snowbanks to bash thru with the Ural.
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