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    You do realize even if you’re within 6 feet of someone talking who has it your susceptible of getting it. The virus is also in the air for a maximum of three hours before it hits a surface so something like a high rise elevator could easily be infected with nobody in it. I do see your points as...
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    Not sure how 200+ people on a construction site without running water or how people packed in cubicles unable to work from home can the take proper safety precautions. And I meant that it’s inevitable that the city will have a shutdown..
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    Agreed but unfortunately if work continues so will sites, factories, offices etc all still going. It’s inevitable at this point
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    How many cases before Ontario/Toronto shuts down all non essential jobs? I give it 2-3 weeks when cases in the city reach 1000+
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    HOV Lane....fingers crossed everyone

    These threads always make me laugh, just beating a dead horse. The Transit/traffic problem in the GTA will never be fixed, allowing motorcycles to filter/use HOV will not fix anything neither will increasing the limit to 120. The infrastructure is terrible, our highway designs suck, and we have...
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    [CTV News] Motorcyclist shocked her insurance is discontinued

    Wonder if she's single.....asking for a friend
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    Insurance with an M1 license

    Just don't put her on the policy until she gets her m2
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    Experience with sprocket changes

    Thinking about doing a sprocket change to a +2 in rear, how much acceleration would I expect? 15% increase? Is something like a -1 front +2 an insane difference? I've used some sites to calculate the changes but none give examples of how much faster the bike will accelerate. Also any vendors...
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    Woman freaks out in walk in demanding a white doctor Big story in the news lately, just want to see what people have to say. Personally she's a total idiot who should of kept her mouth shut. She exploded and turned it into something nasty, but I see NO issue with someone...
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    Any companies insure 20 year old on a 750 cruiser?

    20 year old, have m2 for since April but finding no companies will insure me on a 750 cruiser, if there is one out there that can offer a decent rate please let me know
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    LEDs and stock relay

    I'm putting led front turn signals and an integrated led tail on my bike and I know once you change your lights to led on a stock relay it will flash fast. My question is if I change both front signals and taillight to leds but still have a stock relay will they both flash fast at the same rate?
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    Kevlar hoodie??

    Does anyone have this Kevlar hoodie? I'm thinking of buying it for just around town and quick trips just wondering other people's thoughts on it.
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    Running ethanol free gas??

    I'm just wondering what you guys think about running ethanol free gas in our bikes. Shell offers it with 91 octane I believe, and before arguments start about costs, it costs me about 3-5 dollars more vs regular gas. I know higher octane doesn't necessarily mean a better engine (if 87 is...
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    Insurance help pls (young rider)


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