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  • Hey Lisa, I'm off FB for the day and was wondering where the posts were regarding the new parking crap going on here in T.O. Can't find the thread, and think they are looking at the issue today in city hall.. I may swing by if there's anything I can do... :)
    Ah well, I was hoping it'd be a bit more exclusive in Trenton and you'd say that's Jim! or the like. Thanks.
    He mentioned something about working on the base but I don't know if that was as a civi or military. Nice blacked out cruiser too. He led me on a detour around the mess then went out of his way to see that i got back on the highway. Really nice guy to meet at 12 midnight on the 401. lol.
    sorry< i'm new here, and still trying to find my way around this forum, how do I join the ladiesgta group?
    Hey Lisa, do you know a guy in the Trenton area that rides an HD cruiser that hales from Cape Breton? He'd be around twenty to forty. We met in a traffic jam on the 401 that was ten kilometres long. Just asking. :)
    A friend of mine showed me this website. He and I got our licenses together last year. Just wondering how I can join certain groups? Is there anything I need to do?
    Hey you!

    Holy crap! Just heard from Lin about you and your bike. Read all the posts and glad you're mostly ok. Anything you need, let me know...

    Take care and msg when you can.

    Hey Grrl!

    Do I remember correctly that you bought a 4-1 exhaust replacement for your Maxim? My left muffler just broke and I'm having a tough time sourcing a replacement.

    hey CruisnGrrl, good to see a 'local' on here, I ride with a bunch called the southern cruisers on wed. evenings out of belleville if you ever want to join in let me know. cheers
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