Alcohol and cancer


Well-known member
So it's official as far as science go - alcohol causes many forms of cancer.
There is a push in US right now to add a warning label to all alcohol products similar to what they have on tabaco products.
Will this affect your drinking habits or it's business as usual?

My arm chair analysis would be alcohol is proven to have a negative impact on health. Like most things, it should be enjoyed in moderation.

Will having a warning label pointing out how it causes cancer have any positive impact? I think it’s just another governement bureaucracy trying to justify its existence.

Funding should continue with research to have a better understanding. I know from personal experience, it’s easy to consume it too often and too much but a warning label won’t be a deterrent.
You can go be a hunter / gatherer, but you leave the coconut milk sitting around too long , it ferments . Right back on the booze .
That Polish guy that hangs out in here would make booze out of anything. Nothing is safe if your Polish .

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It has been the position of Health Canada & CCSA since 2023 that any alcohol increases your risk of cancer.

Won’t change anything in my habits. I’ve effectively given up alcohol during the week and only drink on special occasions.

Used to have a drink / beer with dinner or a night cap but since I hit old age (42) I stopped.

Now, maybe 1-2 times a month of slightly heavier drinking. Besides that…almost zero.

Now they’ll tell me weed gummies / edibles / drinks are bad for me…

What’s good for me? That list will be much shorter than what’s bad for me.
1/4 shot of Bailey's in my coffee 3 x week....ain't stopping. cranky.gif:rolleyes:

Had cancer, beat it, that one won't come back ....a start up cancer at my age from any source is a very marginal threat amongst other age related threats out there.
So no change for me but I think the warning labels might make some hesitate or cut back so I'm in favour of them.
Bottom line, like tobacco ...if it is statistical threat - put a warning on it and lets face it it is not just cancer that alcohol negatively impacts
Mom’s side of the family is from Glasgow and most die at a young age and all drink or drank a considerable amount. My Dad’s side are Polocks and he drank himself to death by the time I was 9 years old. So, I know the world of alcoholism intimately and aware the stats for me are not in my favour.

But, man I do enjoy the stuff. Spirits, wine, beer, it’s all good stuff.

I did smoke decades ago and quit. Happy I did.

I don’t drink to catch a buzz. I just enjoy a good Scotch or wine or beer with friends or family. If I get cancer because of it, I’ll cross that bridge. If that means giving up booze, so be it. I’ll still have a motorcycle!
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