Recent content by theshnizzle

  1. theshnizzle

    Fort9 is always down for "maintenence "? Is it my phone or what?

    I can't tell you how many times I have gone to fort9 to check something only to see a message it's down for maite. I am using my phone and hubby gets the same message on his computer. Is it just me or what?
  2. theshnizzle

    Looking for someone to redo a seat..

    Chicago Mike, I think. I wasn't sure if he was still around. I'm not on linked in, or fb, or insta or anything so a phone call will suffice
  3. theshnizzle

    Looking for someone to redo a seat..

    I have a seat that I need to be reshaped. Who is doing that these days? Any recommendations? A long time ago when I needed something like this done, I went to a couple different upholstery shops. They didn't seem to understand the particular needs of a riders azz comfort .
  4. theshnizzle

    Toronto Motorcycle Show - February 17-19 2023

    Yeah, I didnt really mean free parking....thats absurd!!
  5. theshnizzle

    Toronto Motorcycle Show - February 17-19 2023 the show worth it this year. just hoping to get some feedback before we make the long drive....and investment. Also....any tips from anyone concerning where you can find free parking
  6. theshnizzle

    Ride Report: 2021 Summer Solstice Ride

    I have an airhawk, a couple of them actually, 2 alaska sheepskin as well. Unfortunately they take me way high on the seat and I am already on my toes at 5'2 ish and a 28" inseam. I tried something different on my recent PA wilds trip on the long weekend that worked for me. I always have some of...
  7. theshnizzle

    To California NOT by super highway. Suggestions welcomed

    Everyone I know who has ridden out to Colorado takes the 70 or 80 across.....I dont want to do that. I'm saying CO cause that's usually the destination when one rides out west but I'm continuing on. I'm looking at my maps, to find the secondary highways ,2 laners, that will take me across. I...
  8. theshnizzle

    Pennsylvania - Accommodations ?

    I just came back from a 3 day run down to the PA wilds. I stayed in Coudersport one night and camped at little pine sp the other night. I got off I-81 at Watertown and took 3 and 14 west and south. I recommend the gorge walk at Watkins Glenn, it's literally like being in a LOTR movie. Stop at...
  9. theshnizzle

    Honda NC750

    I had a NC 700 or was it a 750? was so boring I can't even remember. I sunk a ton of money at it to "make it better" and in the end I threw in the towel and sold it. I have never hated a bike as much as I hated that one. The tank was small and I felt like I was stopping for fuel more...
  10. theshnizzle

    Ride Report: 2021 Summer Solstice Ride

    Shane, since I am so into maps, I would really like to hear your opinion on that map set you bought. When I rode over in Europe, I stopped at a couple of bike shops and bought at least 2 map sets that are no longer available as far as I know. They are AMAZING! Laminated, and sized for a tank...
  11. theshnizzle

    Ride Report: 2021 Summer Solstice Ride

    It must be honda NC!
  12. theshnizzle

    Ride Report - 2022 Smoky the Dragon

    Hi Shane, nice write up. I have found routes from crossing the border at alexandria that take me all the way down to the bottom of WV and further where I dont touch a interstate once. I have tried many different routes to get through NY and PA that are fun little backroads , and I am always...
  13. theshnizzle

    Kingston/Frontenac Twisties - Thursday August 5th

    Thank you Shane for the time and effort you put into this great route. It was a pleasure to meet you and the young lad( I'm sorry, I dont know how to spell your name!)...and have a day of riding in beautiful sunny summer weather. A couple of those beaches would have been a welcome respite to...
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