Recent content by rmemedic

  1. rmemedic

    First Aid

    Dont take anything. Suck it up buttercup (not directed at you, just a general shout out). How will the medics/doc know if your altered state is due to blood loss, head injury or because you took something? It can also mess with any drugs they end up giving you. I generally don't take pain...
  2. rmemedic

    First Aid

    For a small pack on a bike that's a decent list. You can use an Israeli as a tourniquet, wrap it around the limb over itself and then use the plastic clip as a crank handle. There is a better version of that bandage called the OLAES (sp?) that contains a little bit of plastic that you take out...
  3. rmemedic

    First Aid

    2 days is a good start, but isn't really enough. I could write pages, and some of it contradicts itself, so to really educate over a forum isn't easy. We gave a Tactical Care course (possibly what gsxr guy took) to non medical pers before deployment, and those guys were great to have. Once...
  4. rmemedic

    We know you ride, but do you collect Camo?

    Huge pet peeve of mine, people wearing CADPAT stuff and they aren't in uniform. When we hand in our used up clothing it gets put in to a shredder. My mom did find some silk like material years ago at Len's Mill store that was exactly like CADPAT. I used some to hide the fact that my sleeping...
  5. rmemedic

    Cleaning your chain.

    It deffinately is not a lubricant for chains.
  6. rmemedic

    Cleaning your chain.

    Ive seen it mentioned on here multiple times on how devastating a pressure washer is to bikes. Granted yes, if you use a concentrated nozzle, at a close distance you can harm seals, put water where it shouldn't be or harm electronics, but used properly it's a great tool. If it wasn't, every...
  7. rmemedic

    Which gun should be banned next?

    [/B]This. Most anti-gun/hunting people either don't have any info, or the info they do have is far from fact. However, it's nearly impossible to talk sense in to them. Right now there are people protesting the spring bear hunt. They are actively interfering with hunts which is ILLEGAL. One of...
  8. rmemedic

    Garage space in Trenton area?

    Ha well I'm actually selling the FZ6, no asphalt for a bit. But the car has all my attention. I'm still racing mx, hoping to meet some new dirt buddies. Not so sure if I'm going to Trenton now for OJT. My CSM yesterday was saying that's where I'd be going, but considering we have 427...
  9. rmemedic

    Survival.Evasion.Resistance.Escape - Will you SURVIVE?

    Been a while for sure! Should catch up sometime, I just accepted a VOT to ACS, and I'm sure you've had lots change. Should be a cool event, is it urban based?
  10. rmemedic

    Engine Replacement Help..?

    What bike? Maybe someone has a passion for a certain bike and is willing to help you out.
  11. rmemedic

    Cleaning your chain.

    Seriously, WD-40 will NOT hurt your chain. Know what WD stands for? Water Displacement. My mx bike is beat on. 99% of the bikes on this forum aren't ridden as hard and in as horrible conditions as that bike. Yet, that bike gets more care and attention than most bikes on here, seeing as there...
  12. rmemedic

    Garage space in Trenton area?

    He got back to me yesterday. Apparently I'll just get a set of keys to use the shop whenever for the days I've paid for it. That's part of the reason why I want the trade is to learn all the fab skills they have. I enjoy working on my stuff and this trade will just be more skills to use. I...
  13. rmemedic

    Which gun should be banned next?

    I get calls from farmers asking me to come out and get rid of Coyotes that are taking out livestock. Last year the GFs parents HAD a Coyote that was being overly bold and was seen literally at the back door. Until I received a phone call and looked after the issue. Up here we have bears walking...
  14. rmemedic

    Supercross - Behind the Dream

    There was a series following Ronnie Mac, I mean Jimmy Albertson sorry, pretty much between every race, called "The Albertson project" and it was pretty good.
  15. rmemedic

    2009 KLX 250 trouble starting

    It does sound like you're running lean, with popping on decel and the hard starting. What colour was the plug? Is it the right plug? Was it wet at all? What is the carbon build up like? What kind of shape is your air filter in? Any cracks in the intake tract? Everything seated and sealed up...
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