Recent content by Paul

  1. Paul

    GTAM App?

    Hey folks...Sorry for the delay. We're working on getting it back up. Hang in there.
  2. Paul

    Who run's this place and who are the mods?

    @Brian P Did you get this sorted? Let me know what you need.... I can have a look.
  3. Paul

    Good news, bad news or nothing for MC competition and culture in Canada?

    I can hear you!!....Don't be a Harley hater!! :)
  4. Paul

    Notifications from the past

    Tapatalk is up to date....I'm also getting email notifications that I never used to get I think something is up at the tapatalk end.
  5. Paul

    Notifications from the past

    I myself like the mobile version better than tapatalk so I don't have these issues....but I will check tapatalk for updates. Get it now! mobile app
  6. Paul

    Ads are busted

    Sorry folks... We're on it. Thanks Paul Get it now! mobile app
  7. Paul

    pm or not pm

    Put your mouse over the username...and you should see a Start Conversation button.
  8. Paul

    could we create a new Thread for motorcycle purchase 2015 and over?

    Yup...I can work on that. Thanks for the suggestion!
  9. Paul

    Harley Riders

    London area Harley rider here!
  10. Paul

    Anxiety about track school

    Consider the Lee Park's Total Control course. One of the Admins here (@cutekill) is an instructor.
  11. Paul

    Restoring account?

    Check your PM's
  12. Paul

    Restoring account?

    Do you remember the email you used for the original?
  13. Paul

    Your Reciprocity stories here.

    He did that for Cutekill and I as well. We went down on a Friday night before a GTAM track day. The gate was supposed to be open but it wasn't. We set up a tent outside the gates and Donny came by with pizza and beer. Spent the evening talking bikes and racing. RIP buddy!
  14. Paul

    Swear filter off?

    Hang on... What word did you drop? There is a filter on...
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