Recent content by Msowsun

  1. Msowsun

    Used Parts, Motorcycle scrap yards

    Peterborough Cycle Salvage. Peterborough Cycle Salvage
  2. Msowsun

    No more license stickers…

    The only reason I have a lot of toys, is that I am old and retired, and can finally afford the toys I wanted when I was younger. I also sold my Oakville house and am moving to Peterborough so I can be closer to the cottage where I can enjoy the toys.
  3. Msowsun

    No more license stickers…

    I got mine last week. Mine is $1,776.50 (I have a lot of toys)
  4. Msowsun

    Safety Needed to Green Plate An Off Road Bike?

    There is no requirement to do a safety certification inspection to register an Off Road motorcycle for a “Green” licence plate. Has this Off Road dirt bike ever been registered as Off Road in Ontario before? If it has not, you may have trouble with the paperwork needed.
  5. Msowsun

    Use of GPS devices “discouraged”?

    This sign is on Monk Rd. near Highway 28 just outside of Bancroft, Ontario. Why would anyone want to discourage the use of GPS?
  6. Msowsun

    125cc off-road insurance solution?

    Yes, the “ban” applies to all off-road bikes 150cc and less. That includes150cc bikes. Yes, I added the CRF150F to my policy 3 months ago. Desjardin originally told me they no longer insure that bike Because it is not over 150cc. But they checked with their underwriter department and said they...
  7. Msowsun

    125cc off-road insurance solution?

    Many adults ride 125cc bikes. You should also remember that this “ban” applies to 150cc bikes as well, and ONLY in Ontario. Why discriminate against kids? Are they more likely to cause a claim? If that were true they could simply increase the premiums. That is how the insurance industry...
  8. Msowsun

    125cc off-road insurance solution?

    I currently have three off-road motorcycles insured with Desjardin. One WR250F, one CRF150, and one CRF100. Desjardin has grandfathered me because I’ve been a customer for a long time. My wife’s sister now has the dirt bike bug and wants to buy a TTR125 but can’t find anyone willing to insure...
  9. Msowsun

    Dirt Bike Training Schools & Classes in the GTA

    Trail Tours is a separate company.
  10. Msowsun

    Dirt Bike Training Schools & Classes in the GTA

    Trail Tours – Dirtbike and ATV School near Ganaraska and Smart Adventure Programs Summer Activities near Horseshoe Valley.
  11. Msowsun

    Street legal "Blue" plated Dirt bike drivers licence requirements for off road.

    I have a few street legal dirt bikes for my sons and I, that we ride at the cottage, both on road, and also off road on Crown land. Sometimes I will let guests ride my bikes at the cottage who don't have a M2, M1, or M licence. 1) When a guest rides a "Blue" plated bike off road on Crown land...
  12. Msowsun

    Green Plate registration for never registered 2008 dirt bike with multiple previous owners?

    The seller is going to try and find the paperwork that he has for it, but I doubt he has the New Vehicle Information Statement, or the original bill of sale. I once bought an 07 WR250F from a guy who moved to Ontario from B.C. His bill of sale was not enough and I had to fill out some kind of...
  13. Msowsun

    Green Plate registration for never registered 2008 dirt bike with multiple previous owners?

    I am looking to buy a 2008 Honda dirt bike that is not green plated, and never has been. The current owner says he has a "letter" from the previous owner. Is it still possible to get "green plate" registration in my name? What kind of paperwork would be involved?
  14. Msowsun

    I sold my green plated bike

    I’ll just nail it to the wall in the garage. Thanks for all the replies.
  15. Msowsun

    I sold my green plated bike

    Do you have any idea what kind of money I can get back for it? I don't plan on buying another green plated bike. And I don't want to stand in line for one hour to get back 5 bucks.
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