Recent content by Lakota

  1. Lakota

    No Harley Bikes here ..?

    Lol, thought with the name Low Rider, we was drinkin' the same koolaid! Actually it is a choice. You can do your own maintenance , or if you have other stuff you like to do, pay a licensed mechanic to do the work. Although I took the motorcycle mechanics course at Centennial College in...
  2. Lakota

    No Harley Bikes here ..?

    Extended warranty also. My 2010 XR1200 is warrantied till 2023 with unlimited mileage, who else will stand behind their bikes for up to 15 years with unlimited mileage??? I could get another two years of warranty but will probably be demoing the Triumph Street Triple against the HD Bareknuckle...
  3. Lakota

    Friday 13th @ Port Dover

    I have been riding 35 years and never heard of it until 5 years ago. Strange thing was, I was in North Carolina doing that Tail of the Dragon thing and some Floridian's I was talking to said ya, we know where London is, we pass it on the way to Dover. Have since been a few times, but probably...
  4. Lakota

    Where is the Media afterwards?

    I choose to believe that most people who know they have caused injury or death by their aggressive or distracted driving, would by punished by their own conscience more than any fine or jail time could amount to.
  5. Lakota

    No more searching for pink slips

    Or American border patrol, "Nice plants in your garden pics bud, lifetime ban for you!" ... no pun intended.
  6. Lakota

    Anyone into gardening here?

    Excited that there is a canteloupe. It was a four pack "Gigantico" that I planted from Lawblaws. Sounds totally plausible, these cukes are behind a bunch of tomato plants, maybe not enough sun. Got another bunch of cukes in another garden section (far left one) that are normal green, both taste...
  7. Lakota

    Anyone into gardening here?

    What would this round thing be, looks like a melon. When plant was purchased it was marked as a canteloupe. Until now, plant has produced canteloupe colored cucumbers as you can see a couple hanging. First year with a vegetable garden and this has me confused.
  8. Lakota

    London/Woodstock bikers???

    Would consider myself a London motorcycle enthusiast, not biker. Probably also not fun by your standards since I am much closer to your parents age than yours. I also rarely ride with others as I enjoy my alone time on two wheels. Probably makes you wonder as much as me, as to why I posted this...
  9. Lakota

    Safety first! Helmets should be compulsory for everyone. Accidents do not happen on the basis of religion.

    Maybe mentioned before but I have not read whole thread. Religious exemptions are not new. I am passing Mennonites on backroads around here all the time that are not wearing seat belts in their horse and buggy, babies in the lap rather than buckled car seat in the buggy, child under 16 operating...
  10. Lakota

    Annoyed with trying to figure out how to post pictures, seems some can see some cannot, gone riding.

    Annoyed with trying to figure out how to post pictures, seems some can see some cannot, gone riding.
  11. Lakota

    Pilot Road 4 tires wearing out quickly

    I agree with this thought process. If it is any help here is pics of my front and rear PR4GT's with exactly 10,210km (all Trans-Canada highway @ 20-30km+ and a week of running around city of Edmonton) they are square, but lots of tread left.
  12. Lakota

    HD's LiveWire

    Harley has been setting up their level 3 charge network between dealerships before taking delivery of the livewire. This pic is Rocky's in London, think it was a month ago I took pic. Apparently the level 3 chargers for the bike are the same as for cars so can bypass a HD shop for a car charger...
  13. Lakota

    Normal to be exhausted next day after long ride?

    As mentioned before, earplugs, but also an airhawk seat cushion is what works for me. Did 4-950km days Banff to London last week. My bike has much the same seating position as your R3. Also, I only carry half a passenger weight wise with my camping gear. If my wife wanted to get on the back I...
  14. Lakota

    Horrible experience with Sena 30k

    Had my Uclear Amp Pro die on me near end of 2 year warranty last July. Uclear shipped me a replacement to my door in less than a week and never asked for my pooched unit back. That kind of service gets loyal customers.
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