Hi Hi! LC's earliest for new bookings I believe is in August. You can call the office and get your name on a list, no deposit required.
Some Insurance companies may insure you with proof of a course booked in the near future.
Sorry there has been no talks about restarting Monday dessert meets for this year. Until covid gets cleared, it would be difficult to maintain social distancing for groups of 10 and more bikers.
There have been random posts of ppl planning meets for example La Paloma, but nothing set for the year.
I refuse to go there! The owner came up to us one night and said he didn’t want bikers there because we are noisy & scare away his customers. I don’t want to give my business to ppl that don’t appreciate it or has a stereotype on us.
Monday Dessert Meet is at:
June 4 - Firehall Confectionery (170 Main St. Unionville, Markham)
C Y'all Tonight! Show up whenever after 7pm till closing!
We usually park our bikes either right in front on sidewalk or beside the building lane way against the wood fence!
Super Hero Charity Rider Event
In support of the Sunshine Foundation
When: Wednesday, August 9th, 2017. (rain date : August 16,2017.)
Time: 6pm-11pm
Where: Burrito Boyz - 4451 Hwy 7, Vaughan
Fee: $5 per bike/vehicle (Pls bring exact change for entry - $5)
Attn all riders! Come out and...
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